Open Collective
Open Collective
We Are Winning! [2023 Annual Update]
Published on December 22, 2023 by Mwezi Odom

Thank you to all of the incredible supporters who have donated to the Hands Off Uhuru Campaign in 2023, a historic year of resistance and struggle!

With your support, 2023 has been a powerful year of victories in the anti-colonial free speech movement. The Uhuru 3 legal team filed a precedent-setting motion for dismissal, which was then granted a hearing for oral arguments in the courthouse in Tampa. Hundreds of events, rallies, actions and webinars were held, demanding the U.S. government drop the charges on the Uhuru 3. The Hands Off Uhuru Fightback Coalition was officially formed, co-sponsoring the historic Black People's March on the White House in Washington DC and Black People's Marches in LA  and other cities.  

In the face of ongoing efforts by the state to silence the voices of African and oppressed peoples, we have continued to grow this movement with supporters and organizations joining from across the political and ideological spectrum! 

We are gearing up for another year of pushing back the colonial state attacks on our right to free speech and political expression, the right of African and colonized people to advocate for our liberation. We look forward to continuing to build the anti-colonial free speech movement through speaking tours, conferences, actions, and the ongoing escalation of our counteroffensive in the legal arena. With your ongoing support, we know that victory is certain! All power to the people! 


Posted on December 22, 2023

Resistance and struggle against oppression or death, if not in body, in spirit.
Thank you to all who stand up to colonialism in all its oppressive forms at home and abroad.
Free the Uhuru 3!  Free Africa!  Free Palestine! 