Hope-based Collective
The Hope-based Collective provides a community for anyone who wants to turn hope into smart strategy for social change.
Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions
One-time contribution
This is for people who want to support our training programmes that help people learn about and start to use the hope-based approach. Read more
Starts at
€40 EUR
Support our certification course program that trains people to become hope-based experts and trainers. Read more
€200 EUR of €2,000 EUR raised (10%)
Starts at
€100 EUR
Top financial contributors
Hope-based Collective is all of us
Our contributors 5
Thank you for supporting Hope-based Collective.
Christopher K...
Thomas Coombes
Fine Acts
€17,673 EUR
Help us spread hope-based c...
€220 EUR
Creating hope-based leaders
€100 EUR
Transparent and open finances.
Credit from Coline to Hope-based Collective •
Contribution #811917
-€1,714.00 EUR
Invoice #228506
-€944.29 EUR
Invoice #228484
Today’s balance€1,229.34 EUR
Total raised
€16,543.59 EUR
Total disbursed
€15,314.25 EUR
Estimated annual budget
€17,993.08 EUR
Who we are
The Center for Hope-based Communication provides a community for anyone who wants to turn hope into smart strategy for social change.
We are building a new social change organization to share the hope-based communication approach, support anyone who wants to use it, and spread the hope-based narratives and stories that emerge when people do.
Our vision
We want to build a world where hope is stronger than fear. We believe that hope is a smart strategy for creating more empathy and compassion in society, for promoting the narratives that underpin democracy and human rights.
Our mission
The Center for Hope-based Communication is a PR firm for humanity. Instead of working for clients or for our own brand, we want to directly promote care and community between all beings, and a belief that everyone can change for the better.
We want our movement to develop new social change strategies based on the future we hope to create. We work through our movement of independent experts and practitioners, supporting them to find the hope in their own story and to share it with others.
We want to transform the social change mindset away from solely raising awareness and ‘naming and shaming’ towards more effectively changing narratives, attitudes and behavior, applying the latest neuroscience and psychology.
Our team
Christopher K...
Thomas Coombes