Open Collective
Open Collective

Grant #240179 to Hospicing Modernity UK Collective

"Weaving Coaching Strands in Troubled Times" – a seed experiment by Zarine, Jonas and Stuart; for people in the coaching community to explore hospicing in coaching and its related eco-systems.

Grant #240179

Submitted by ZarineApproved by Rebecca Morahan

Feb 25, 2025

Request Details
We have created a series of 3 virtual conversations themed as follows: Eldering, Composting, Cultural Humility. The first was on 5/2/25, the next is on 26/2 and the final one on 19/3/25. There have been over 30 sign ups.
Live Field Enquiry in smaller co-learning groups will emerge after spring 2025. We believe coaching can play its part in bringing good medicine in our fragmented world. We’re curious about what glimpses of decolonial practice might look like in coaching, in the UK context and wider.
We will use any funding received towards time and admin costs, and some scaffolding for ongoing field enquiry.

£1,400.00 GBP

Total amount £1,400.00 GBP

Additional Information

payout method

Bank account

Expense created
Expense approved
Expense unapproved
Expense updated
Expense approved
Expense scheduled for payment
Expense processing
Expense paid
Expense Amount: £1,400.00
Payment Processor Fee: £0.00
Net Amount for Hospicing Modernity UK Collective: £1,400.00
Collective balance
£15,800.00 GBP

Current Fiscal Host
The Social Change Nest

Expense policies
Funding Process HMUKC

We as a collective exist to promote and explore the ideas and practices to be found in the book Hospicing Modernity by Vanessa Machado De Oliveira and the Gesturing Towards Decolonial Futures website, in the British Context. Therefore, we will distribute funding according to the principles described in the book and the GTDF website.
We start from the premise that;
•we share the stewardship of this money,
•we will want to fund anyone who wants to access this fund from the HMUK group,
•we don’t want to have power over each other,
•we don’t want to take on the role of saying yes or no to each other’s ideas/proposals,
•we trust everybody in this group to do internal work and reflection before putting forward a way that they want to access and use the funds.

We see our main task collectively is to simply find an equitable way of sharing the funding guided by the principles above.

Suggestions for how we might want to use funding

The costs associated with meeting together as a HMUK group ( closed/ open to others) in person and online using exercises/ frames from GTDF as a step off point for composting our shit together and doing inner work, contemplation, reflection, interruption. ( we imagine this could include some potential time costs for some individuals )
Seed experiments to test out different methods/ processes/ projects/ approaches to Hospicing with other people/ organisations/ contexts outside of the group - these experiments could be conducted with others from within the group, solo or with others outside the group. Sharing how we might share our co-learning enquiry as we go with ourselves, with any people we work with, and with a wider potential audience?
Website? Substack? Podcast etc

Distribution of Funds
£10K for collective happenings
This is to support gatherings/ happenings/ and activities for the HMUK collective to do together, with the maximum number of us involved. E.g., supporting internal type meetings/gatherings online and in person (us as a collective / with others who are familiar with Hospicing Modernity) where we compost our shit together, do inner work, contemplation, reflection, interruption. We also anticipate this pot would cover costs of sharing our co- learning enquiry (as above).
£10k for Seed Experiments
These are outward facing experiments to test out methods/processes/projects and /approaches to Hospicing Modernity in the UK context.
They could be done solo, with others from the collective, or with others outside the collective.
Steps to release the funds
The steps will be slightly different depending on whether the request is to the Collective Fund or the Seed Experiment Fund.
•Proposals for Collective happenings are brought forward to one of the HMUK’s regular meetings and the meeting decides ( through consent based decision making ) if there is energy and agreement from the collective for this proposal. If so, a working group is formed to coordinate input and logistics ( as per previous HMUK collective events e.g. in person gatherings/ rotational co-ordinators) Someone from the working group fills in the Open Collective expenses form and oversees the budget.
•Collective Happenings to be undertaken between October 2024 -August 1st 2025
Those wishing to do seed experiments put themselves forward by 15 October 2024 for experiments to take place between October 2024- August 2025.
They will then constitute a Seed Experiment Group who will take collective responsibility for the funding distribution process guided by the principles:
•We will want to fund anyone who wants to access this fund from the HMUK group
•We don’t want to take on the role of saying yes or no to each other’s ideas/ proposals
•We trust everybody in this group to do internal work and reflection before putting forward a way that they want to access and use the funds
The formation of the Seed Experiment Group will enable everyone to choose whether or not they want to be involved in this more individually and externally focused work of the collective. People not involved in this group will be able to remain fully engaged with the work of the wider collective.
Expectations of each other
Any person running a seed experiment will:
Share the project/ proposal with the group in a google folder
Share the learning/ reflection with the group post activity/ event in a google folder and at one of regular online gatherings
In this way, the seed experiment work will feed back into the work of the wider collective.

Review of the overall Funding process.
Funds and process for both collective happenings and seed experiments will be reviewed at each handover of co-ordination team. Activity to be completed by October 2025


How do I get paid from a Collective?
Submit an expense and provide your payment information.
How are expenses approved?
Collective admins are notified when an expense is submitted, and they can approve or reject it.
Is my private data made public?
No. Only the expense amount and description are public. Attachments, payment info, emails and addresses are only visible to you and the admins.
When will I get paid?
Payments are processed by the Collective's Fiscal Host, the organization that hold funds on their behalf. Many Fiscal Hosts pay expenses weekly, but each one is different.
Why do you need my legal name?
The display name is public and the legal name is private, appearing on receipts, invoices, and other official documentation used for tax and accounting purposes.

Collective balance

£15,800.00 GBP