Instigating Excellence
Part of: Operation Instigation
Help underserved communities soar and reach for their potential.

Transparent and open finances.
Balance transfer
Credit from OCEF Admin to Instigating Excellence •
Added funds #796251
Added funds #796021
Today’s balance--.-- EUR
Total raised
€15,989.96 EUR
Total disbursed
€15,989.96 EUR
Estimated annual budget
€2,786.78 EUR

Instigating Excellence is designed to help underserved communities soar and reach for their potential. This course is designed to catalyse the ability to harness excellence towards personal and professional fulfilment. Success is often assumed to be for those born with certain gifts, talents or resources but that is not the case. Upon examining any successful person’s life over time and you will see patterns of learned and practiced behaviours which form the foundation of “becoming an overnight success,” “maestro,” or G.O.A.T. Every single great person succeeded outwardly because they were able to master consistently and diligence internally. The good news is that anyone, anywhere can learn to operationalise personal excellence and growth. This project provides access to those skills to underserved youth, primarily in the global south.
Instigating Excellence: South Africa
Instigating Excellence: South Africa
These learning journeys draw from the wisdom of scientists and therapists who have studied leaders and successes who have distilled the data into tested and proven formulas and principles of success. Most of the research defies conventional standards often rooted in colonialist and oppressive axioms that promote genetic supremacy and dominance which has made leadership, excellence and advancement seem well beyond the reach of the majority of the world’s populations.
Instigating Success will provide youth with foundational skills and tools based in the science of growth, cognitive behaviour adaption and proven data.
Instigating Success will provide youth with foundational skills and tools based in the science of growth, cognitive behaviour adaption and proven data.
Through a series of self-learning modules, interactive facilitation and learning, and personal reflection, participants will be well equipped to:
- Identifying what one really wants
- Alchemise failures into turning points
- Determine what brings joy to their lives
- How to increase your motivation
- Identify micro-improvements which point towards excellence.
- Evaluate their own progress or the progress of their peers to strengthen self-awareness.
Program overview
Our informal learning programs are designed to complement traditional education by offering hands-on workshops, interactive seminars, and community-based initiatives. Through diverse subjects such as STEM, arts, entrepreneurship, and life skills, we aim to ignite curiosity, nurture creativity, and promote critical thinking among participants which in turn creates thriving communities.
Our informal learning programs are designed to complement traditional education by offering hands-on workshops, interactive seminars, and community-based initiatives. Through diverse subjects such as STEM, arts, entrepreneurship, and life skills, we aim to ignite curiosity, nurture creativity, and promote critical thinking among participants which in turn creates thriving communities.
Theory of Change
IF we equip underserved youth with tools and skills directly linked to scientifically proven data and principles
THEN motivated youth have the capability and opportunity to focus and exercise their potential for personal excellence, development and growth within their countries and their communities in particular
BECAUSE the global south and the world needs confident courageous heroic people equipped and eager to contribute to a thriving society and world.
Our programs cater to a wide range of learners, including students, professionals, families, and unemployed, within underserved communities. We aim to reach a diverse audience, creating an inclusive learning environment where everyone can thrive.
Our programs cater to a wide range of learners, including students, professionals, families, and unemployed, within underserved communities. We aim to reach a diverse audience, creating an inclusive learning environment where everyone can thrive.
For Instigating Excellence South Africa, our initial focus will begin in Kliptown, an informal settlement located in Soweto beside Johannesburg, South Africa. It is historically significant as it was the site of the Congress of the People in 1955, where the Freedom Charter was adopted, which became a key document in the struggle against apartheid.
Much like the country itself, the demographics are diverse and includes Black Africans, Coloureds, Indians, and Whites. Because the inhabitants are a mixture of registered and unregistered refugees and South Africans, it is hard to estimate the actually population, unemployment rates or those receiving formal education. Kliptown is characterised by extreme poverty and shanty-type shelters where many migrants seeking work and bright futures land when reality falls short of their dreams.
Like much of Soweto, Kliptown is at the centre of industrial and waste zones that flood the community with toxins and sewage. There is limited access to basic services like clean water, sanitation, and electricity. The youth living in such areas often face economic challenges and limited educational opportunities, with many unable to attend let alone complete foundational schooling. Lacking structural and governance services, Kliptown faces many social challenges such as crime, drug abuse, and gang-related activities which have a significant impact on the lives of the youth in the area.
Organisations like Soweto Kliptown Youth (SKY) have been working hard to elevate the people of the community through initiatives that cultivate autonomy, ownership and belonging. The youth (and not so young) have benefited from informal programs, feeding programs, artistic training , and exchange programs offered by SKY. Our project will focus on working primarily with those youth and community affiliated with SKY and their satellite locations in other townships, like Mamelodi, Sohanguve, Alexandra.
Instigating Excellence will evaluate and document lessons learned during and after the offered sessions to assess the performance and outcomes of a project. We will use a series of assessments and tools to determine the significance, impact and outcomes of the proposed project.
The full scope of evaluation will follow the completion of the curriculum design, but we envision the following:
- Formative assessments via discussions, in-class activities, and assignments.
- Subjective Assessments such as written responses, or open-ended questions allowing participants to demonstrate their deeper understanding, critical thinking, and analytical skills with other participants.
- Peer and Self-Assessment: Participants will be asked to evaluate their own progress or the progress of their peers to determine their understanding of the material.
- Surveys and Feedback: To provide insights into the participants perception of the learning progress and overall experience upon completion and following the learning journey.
- Provide Practical Demonstrations: Within 30 days upon completion, participants will be asked to complete a survey which will ask for examples of how they have applied their new knowledge in real-world scenarios.
By analysing these factors we hope to fain valuable insights into the project's strengths and weaknesses, identify successful practices, learn from challenges, and serve as a foundation for continuous improvement , optimisation, and informed decisions for future initiatives.
Some Metrics include:
- The number of participants attending the program
- Level of understanding of the training
- Motivation and ability to practice new skills in real world
Our team
Alycia Lee

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