Open Collective
Open Collective
Crypto donations now possible!
Published on February 23, 2022 by Thierry Laurion

Hello fellow past/new Insurgo Initiative's supporters!

It came to our attention that the Open Source Collective Host was supporting crypto based donations! We activated the feature, it was tested by contributors and it works!!!

Please show your support to the Open Source Firmware, Open Source Software and Open Hardware Platform based Accessible Security, initiated through NLnet initial funding to integrate those safer defaults under Qubes OS 4.1 (Optional Qubes FWUPD support, optional Qubes/Whonix Remote administration through hidden onion services, Qubes disk trimming passed down properly from LVM to LUKS to disk for better anti-forensics by default, Network MAC randomization by default)!!!

Please donate generously so that the effort can continue while sharing this post!

Your donations are important! The more donation, the more independent research/development/maintenance/testing/documentation and new platform development/inclusion/support/contributions to other needed projects/code contributors/collaborators.

Insurgo (Thanks to tlaurion) devotes itself into maintaining Heads as much as possible, which you can have an insight here.

You can take a look on all GitHub related collaborations that happened in the past here:

And of course you can see where the past contributions to Insurgo Initiative in the past were used for, thanks to OpenCollective system's transparency!