Open Collective
Open Collective
Please terminate all donations and recurring support. Use liberapay instead.
Published on November 30, 2023 by smxi

Please stop all your recurring payments, and make no further donations here. I am trying to get out of this mess ASAP, but they make it hard. I was not aware that these people take a flat 10% off the top, alongside the payment processing fees, which was NOT my intention!! I sincerely regret having wasted the fees these people collect from your donations. The level of corporate BS here is mind-boggling, and this is NOT the type of organization I will ever support, for any reason, in fact, it's the type of organization I have always tried to stay as far away from as humanly possible. 
For recurring donations, please use:
For one time use Paypal:

My apologies to anyone who inadvertently gave these people a chunk of the donation they so kindly gave to inxi, that was not, and never will be, my intention.