INSPIRE - LEARN - CO-CREATE - EARN - INVEST Witness the potential of youth as creators Learn how gamification is changing the rules. Explore how NFTs create cooperation. Master the why behind empowering young people to lead.
Friday, January 14, 2022, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM (UTC-07:00)
Fiscal Host: Island 17

Witness the potential of youth as creators Learn how gamification is changing the rules Explore how NFTs create cooperation Master the why behind empowering young people to lead Earn tokens by attending and engaging in our breakout rooms
A group of extraordinary cross-sector leaders came together via Dream Tank to mentor 5 University Students as part of a 2 week "Careers for the Common Good Winternships" program through Brown University for students to get real world experience in gaming design and tokenomics.
Witness what these students, along with other youth collaborators and mentors from diverse backgrounds accomplished in a 2-week sprint. Their mission was to build a prototype of the beginning elements of Island17 and launch our first NFT. Watch the teaser/animated storyboard below for a taste of what they'll be working on.
You and your kids, and young people or others in your life, can join the Island17 metaverse and be rewarded while designing a video game for a thriving future for all.
What is Island17?
Island17 is being built on the backbone of 6 years of learning and working with youth through Dream Tank even further by inviting the youth to address local and global challenges using the framework of the United Nations Sustainable Development goals within a global online/offline multiplayer mission - based game which is community owned and driven, with youth innovation at its core. Island 17 builds off of and gamifies Dream Tank programming. 17 stands for the 17th Sustainable Development Goal which is partnerships - as we can't achieve any significant change in the world without creating the conditions for economically driven, self-motivated collaboration. We will incorporate impact-based tokenization incentives via a blockchain ecosystem to allow youth to not only design businesses, but find funding for their ideas and solutions as well. Island 17 will allow us to reach millions of youth worldwide and catapult our collective impact across generations. More background and context here in this Dream Tank CEO update email.
PROGRAM: Friday January 14th 11am EST-2pm EST
11am EST: Introductions - students and the cohort mentors
11:30 am EST: Demos of Island 17 mini prototype, and NFT drop
12:00 pm - 2:00pm EST: Breakout groups. Guests meet students in small groups to ask questions, be engaged, and learn how they can get involved. Three rooms to choose from:
- MTP – Massively Transformative Purpose exercise
- Island17 Rewards Challenges – vote and earn tokens
- Onboarding – learn about wallets and value exchange
Kris Diallo (Class of 2023) - Cheyenne Chau (Class of 2023) - Seowon "Thomas" Chang (Class of 2025) - Quinn Coleman (Class of 2023) - Elaine Kim (Class of 2024)
Aditya Dixit (NYU Masters Student, USA and India), Juan Pablo Quintero (University of Miami Business School, USA, Miami), Emma Kraft (USA, Berkeley), Hardy Rietkerk (HS Senior in Amsterdam)
Island 17 Braintrust Council Mentors for this sprint:
Heidi Cuppari - Kyle Piorkowski - Sumita Kumar - Margaret Kral - Kate Kissane - Shashi Dubey - Shanchli Aggarwal - Niki Faldemolaei - Pam Jeffries - Ying Zhou - Amber Brandner - Orion Orev - Silvio F. Pupo - Cody Gould - Rachel Clifton - Vaughn Bergen - Stephen Cutter
Sprint Partners:
Brown University, Open Exo, Indian School of Natural Spiritual Sciences, Singularity Group, Logos Capital, Logos Blue Foundation, Liquid Light Project, systemCHANGR, Wealth Dynamics, Humans I Trust, Spiritual Warriors, Pangaea, Wuji Games, and more.
Origin Story:
Dream Tank was initially launched in 2016 in Boulder, Colorado by Heidi Cuppari and her two children, Summer and Cody, and youth educator, musician and activist Ashley Willfire. Dream Tank's entrepreneurship and design thinking programs were mostly inspired by her daughter Summer, and Island17 was inspired by Cody's love of gaming. Over 5 1/2 years we've helped over 1000 youth become social entrepreneurs, changed 3 laws led by youth, and much more.

Transparent and open finances.
Balance transfer
Contribution #515522
Contribution #513152
Today’s balance--.-- USD
Total raised
$370.99 USD
Total disbursed
$370.99 USD
Estimated annual budget
--.-- USD