Jorge - Knight Skate
Part of: Blocks of Care
Fiscal Host: Arts Connection Network
Storyline following the growing community of inline skaters in San Bernardino and asking about their "why?".

My name is Jorge Gonzalez, owner of Knight Skate in Downtown. I was born in San Bernardino and grew up all over the Inland Empire. When I was 9, living on the west side of San Bernardino, I picked up inline skating as a hobby and have been skating ever since. My passion for skating led to me begin organizing night skates in different cities and creating video edits of the events. I began a weekly night skate, every Thursday in San Bernardino to help bring a little life back to the Downtown area. The success of that event led to the opening of a small shop. The success of the small shop led to the opening of an even larger shop just a few months later! Now Knight Skate in San Bernardino is one of the leading inline skate shops in the country and the Inland Empire Night Skate has been the format used for a number of new groups popping up all over the world.
I would like to create something for the Inland Empire Night Skate. The goal would be to leverage the funding for the project to generate more money that I can use to donate back to the community, or use for other art related projects in the future. This project would be Highlighting the city of San Bernardino through the eyes of the Inland Empire Night Skate members. This will be done with a video
and a printed book with pictures and bios/info about the skaters.
To view the ongoing interviews from this project, visit https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWkGDCTqMu87QFUVuPYnLkw
Our team
Jennifer kane
Yulissa Mendoza

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