Open Collective
Open Collective
v0.7.10.1 - Hotfix
Published on October 29, 2023 by Joseph Milazzo

Unfortunately in the last release, the fix that I made to smart filters did not take and part of the encoder/decoder broke. This hotfix fixes it, however, you will likely have to manually fix every filter. I really apologize for this, but the underlying issue escaped over a month of testing and the fix was minor but impacting.

In other news, I worked with Dani this weekend from the Panels team and built a few APIs for them to hook in and report progress to Kavita via the API. This new Panels should be coming in the coming week.

The release is here.


- Added: Added APIs for Panels to synchronize progress. This means as of this version, OPDS-PS with Panels explicitly will not automatically track progress. 


- Changed: Added a saveProgress flag as optional on page streaming links for other apps if they want to suppress the progress saving feature.


- Fixed: Fixed: Fixed a bug from v0.7.10 that caused smart filters to fail to load/save due to encoding issues.
- Fixed: Fixed a bug where side nav wasn't properly using the correct name for rendering