Open Collective
Open Collective
Tor + Latest Privacy
Published on November 27, 2019 by Luke Seers

Sponsor 🎉

We are now proudly sponsored by PrimeNodes. PrimeNodes Is giving us access to some of their goodies including a virtual private server (VPS), which we will be using to host a status page that will give us a heads up if anything goes down. The status page will be accessible to the public.

Development Update #2

Introducing Tor

We know that putting Latest Privacy on Tor was very important, it improves security and most importantly your privacy. You can now go to our website lp5c4ebkb34ogij3vqxuars6iqnfvierojhmnzcodnzpwc4pjo6wb4ad.onion

Open Source

We have made our front end open source, you can see it by going to Github, We know its nothing big or special but it's just the beginning. There are plenty of projects which we have in mind that will also be entirely open source and allow you to improve your privacy.

Moving Servers

We have also moved to a better server which has more power than before. So if you were using Latest Privacy and it went down for split second that was the reason.

Thanks for your support.

The LP Team