Open Collective
Open Collective
Published on July 15, 2024 by Flowing Varun

Dear Magical Borderland Bus Riders on the Copenhagen - BL - Copenhagen Route,

I have BAD news. Unfortunately I have to cancel >>>>>> my car (Plan B) in Copenhagen.

The GOOD news is that, we have enough number of people who bought the tickets during the last 12 hours. So the BUS ride >>> (PLAN A) is happening.

This again proves my theory that a student on a project and a hippie going to BURN is always most productive/effective in the last 12 hours before the deadline 

It was like Thriller movie last evening for me to keep checking the number of sign ups every other minute 

Some important things that comes to my mind:

  • Pls be on Time...Danish/Swedish Standard time. Bus will leave at 9.45 AM. There will be a lot of Playa time once we arrive at Alversjö
  • The location of departure is called "Banegårsdpladsen" which is basically right outside of Copenhagen Central Station. Google maps should be able to point you to this place.
  • There is randomly choosen BORDER CONTROLS even when going to Borderland.....REMEMBER your Passports (if you are non-EU citizen) or ID Card (for EU citizens), we had to actually smuggle a hippie last year across the border (both ways) because they forgot and we really dont want to do that this year. If this situation happens again for some unfortunate reason, we have no other option than to abandon you at the border control. We pay for the bus by every hour.
  • Due to strict Danish/Swedish labour regulations, the driver will make a compulsory break of 90minutes half way on the outbound/indbound journey at a Tank Station.
  • Kindly take some snacks/drinks to share with everyone.
  • If you are planning any flight connection in relation to the BUS, allow atleast 3 hours in-between. It was so sad to see couple of passengers miss their flights last year.
  • Please be mindful of how much luggage you are bringing with you.
  • Pls enter your details on the excel sheet if you havent done before:

  • I generally do trust that no one is going to try to sneak into the bus without paying for ticket, but in order for our own statistics of how many bus are on the people, show us your payment confirmation received on your email by print or on your mobile.

    See you in less than a week.

Feel free to add if in any case I havent addressed any of the concerns you might have.

See you in less than a week.