Open Collective
Open Collective
SeptemBurn 2023 - Mail about the Practical thingies
Published on September 7, 2023 by Flowing Varun

 Dear SeptemBurners,
In exactly 3 weeks from now, we will gather for co-created magical SeptemBurn at Dehnshytten. Address of the location: Strandgaardsvej 30 4760 Vordingborg.

This email contains important Practical-ities/Necces-ities.
1) In the spirit of Co-creation. We are still looking for the amazing YOU to step up in one of the following leads: 

-        Kitchen Lead 
-        Build Lead 
-        Play Room Lead 
-        Deco Lead 
-        Lost and Found Lead 

Most of us who have taken up a Lead role, are doing it for the first time, so we will for sure support each other. If we cannot fill up the above Leads, then we might have to scale down the scope of activities. For example, a SeptemBurn without a Play Room. 

2) Lottery results are out based on those who entered their details on the excel sheet. Check out the results under Participants Tab and last column to the right “Lottery Results”.
3) Transport:
Do you have information about where we could borrow or rent a luggage Van for good price? Get in touch with Lisebeth. Also let Lisebeth know the things that needs to transported by 12-09-2023.
4) Workshops/Activities 
We will have the following spaces available: 

-        Cute Tippie Tent 
-        Dance Floor (until its time for DJs to rise) 
-        Play Room (For workshops that embrace play room elements like sensuality or sex positivity). 
-        Out in the Nature - We are surrounded by great nature so there is plenty of that. 
-        Common Area with fireplace inside the house will be a Chill/Cuddle Space (Free of workshops, maybe used for Cabaret?) 

Radu can answer if you have any questions. 

5) Shifts 

Kindly take a look and put your name on the unfilled shifts. We will assign people randomly to any unfilled shifts after 20-09-2023. 

Sending you loads of good vibes. 
Until Next time,
Flowing Varun