Open Collective
Open Collective
Update for Llandaff Covid 19 - 24 June 2021
Published on June 24, 2021 by Mrs Catherine Pearce

Hi Everyone,

A quick update from us, sorry it has been a while.

A few months ago there was an incident in the Insole site that saw the Covid pop up library broken into by kids and destroyed.  They were causing a nuisance over the course of a few weeks, the Police monitored the situation and managed to move them on.  We decided at the time, with the Trustees of Insole Court, not to replace the Library.  The Libraries were put in place when other Libraries were closed during lockdown and there was no immediate need for a new one.  We will however, keep some money back to replace if there is another lockdown. 

The library site at the Llandaff Parish Hall is still in situ but has been mothballed for now, also pending any further lockdown activity.

We have discussed plans moving forward and what we should do with any residual money.   We will keep a little back in case of another lockdown but will also be looking to support the local communities where we can.  In partnership with Project Gloww, we recently agreed as a group of admins to purchase a laptop for a child completing GCSEs in the Pandemic, that wouldn't have been possible without funding.  You can read about Project Gloww here:

Stay safe everyone, and thank you for your continued support. I'll provide periodic updates going forward, when there is any activity around spending.
Llandaff Covid Assistance Team
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