Open Collective
Open Collective
It's A New Year. Let's Go Together and Go Far!
Published on January 1, 2024 by Uhuru

"Alone a youth runs fast, with an elder slow, but together they go far.
— Luo proverb

If you can do only one thing after you read this, let it be getting a welcome into Dream Village which is one of groups represented in this past year's Welcome Ceremony.  

Dear Collective,
Thanks to all of our 2023 nonphysical and material contributors, Local Food Forests Collective has been resourced to a degree that has supported some aspect of the eco-sanctuaries and stewards in Lebanon, Turtle Island, Jamaica. Thanks in part to our role in the development of the Cocreating Funding Ecosystems for Regeneration and to the loving labor of our collective's stewards and joiners, we are still here in this new Gregorian calendar year.

During this year of individual, regional and global challenges among our collective, we grew in diversity, numbers, skill, passions, location and experience. We also became more trained in Permaculture Design and other ethical and Indigenous practices for tending to our ecosystems and cultivating care among displacement and genocide resilient virtual and local communities. 

As I began writing this message, I thought "how do we celebrate a new year when war and displacement are rampant?"

The fact is that we are grieving and building yet there is always much to celebrate and share.
Karim Malak continues to build regenerative culture within networks in Lebanon and globally. Dream Village in Ghana where 100 acres of native forests are being restored by Indigenous Ghanaians was represented in our collective's welcome circle this year along with many more regenerative stewards and projects in different parts of the world.  The Collective Femmes Tea Circle has been developing a council and cohort of story sharers for regeneration among Black, Indigenous women living in Turtle Island and Jamaica.

We are just getting started!

Our offerings have multiplied with an increase in stewards who convened this year as the Local Food Forests Collective's emerging council. We also gained opportunities toward building our infrastructure for trust within a broader network in an invitation from Midi Berry and Todd Youngblood within Vivero at Earth Regenerators.

We look forward to introducing the eco-stewards, weavers and culture workers in Africa, the Middle East, the Caribbean, and throughout Turtle Island who have connecting into the collective since we started on this journey in 2022.  

We look forward to sharing the gifts and invitations with more support in our admin circle, more guidance from our council and resources to nourish all of our stewards and keep us tending to food forests, living apothecaries, eco-sanctuaries, learning centers, mycelial networks and communities.

In 2024, we invite the entire collective to share and join in the regenerative experiences that resource displacement and genocide resilient stewards of ecosystems and Indigenous nature tending practices.

With love, 