Open Collective
Open Collective
Our shore fishing adventure to Elphinstone car park
Published on July 20, 2023 by Fiona Evans

We went shore fishing last week and it was handsome! Only Uncle Alan caught anything - a little tiddler he threw back and someone's handbag in the adjacent restaurant. Massive apologies again. A big shout out to Alan Toze at Adapt Graphics for being our fishing instructor. He was marvelous and we had the most fabulous time. It's not about catching the fish's about companionship, the meditative quality of the sport, being out in the fresh air and learning something new! We were blessed to have Richard Fisher of the Fisher Collection with us who gave us a talk on the history of The Hoe foreshore which was truly amazing. Did you know before Smeaton's Tower there was an obelisk in its place which was used as an aid to navigation by seafaring folk?  Also big shout out to National Marine Park Plymouth for our fishing rods they were exactly right for the job and we have learnt how to set them up and take them down.  
❤️  1
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