Open Collective
Open Collective
January Update
Published on February 1, 2023 by Patrick Dersjant

So, 2023 is settling and some people are mentioning spring already. I'm not that far yet, but it is a good time to write a short update.

Growth in user count has slowed down a bit, but as I write this there are 206 accounts, of which three quarters are shown as 'active users' according to my dashboard. Whatever that means. Signups are open, but need an invite code (supporters can create them, but please be responsible and don't use the never-expire option), or approval by moderator.

On the technical side, there's not been a lot of changes. After some reports of time out errors I tweaked configuration files. Please keep tagging me on any issues you may experience!

We did have a first this month as the Drum was shortly suspended by the Bylines-instance. After reaching out to them by email this was quickly fixed, but an answer to why this happened has unfortunately not been coming.

I am again grateful for all the support in running the Drum! Thank you all!  

Financials for January:
Expenses                               (EUR)
Hetzner, VPS plus storage              24.03
Payment processing fees                13.80
Other costs                              .00
TOTAL COSTS                            37.83

Income                                 (EUR)
Donations                              75.63
Other income                             .00
TOTAL INCOME                           75.63

Financial Buffer:     €    199.52
Required Buffer:      €    300.00
Gift to OOF/Alzh:     €       .00