Open Collective
Open Collective

Help Ms. Keeni get phone services restored

Hi - A West Philadelphia elder's phone has been shut off. She is disabled and caring for a sick loved one who needs to get to doctors appointments.


Transparent and open finances.

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Contribution #837168
Contribution #837082
Today’s balance

$47.11 USD

Total raised

$47.11 USD

Total disbursed

--.-- USD

Estimated annual budget

$53.00 USD


Ms. Keeni's phone has been shut off. She needs access to her phone to create doctors appointments, call rides to get her loved one to necessary appointments, and for delivered groceries and medications. 

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Financial Contributions

One-time contribution
$5 Donation

$178 is the goal to get phone services restored

$5 USD

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One-time contribution
$10 Donation

$178 is the goal to get phone services restored

$10 USD

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One-time contribution
$15 Donation

$178 is the goal to get phone services restored

$15 USD

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One-time contribution
$20 donation

$178 is the goal to get phone services restored

$20 USD

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Be the first one to contribute!
One-time contribution
$25 Donation

$178 is the goal to get phone services restored

$25 USD

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Help Ms. Keeni get phone services restored is all of us

Our contributors 2

Thank you for supporting Help Ms. Keeni get phone services restored.

K White

$28 USD

Nayeli R

$25 Donation

$25 USD