Open Collective
Open Collective
Museum Workers Speak needs your guidance!
Published on May 17, 2024 by Hannah D. Heller

Hello! Long time, no speak. These are tough times, and although we have been quiet, we’ve been thinking of you and hope all is well with you and yours.

We have an update for you all, and an ask to participate in a survey to help us determine next steps for the remaining $12,181.13 in the Museum Worker Relief Fund.

We recently learned that the fiscal sponsor hosting the Relief Fund is dissolving and this collective must make some difficult decisions about next steps. We also learned that many of you have continued to contribute to the Relief Fund, which means there are existing funds to distribute to museum workers in need.

As a collective grounded in the principles of mutual aid, we look to you for guidance on how to proceed. Please take a moment to complete this *short* survey to give us your feedback. We’ll collect responses for the next two weeks, until the end of the day Friday May 31st.

A few other details to note:
  • The Relief Fund is NO LONGER accepting donations. 
  • Final disbursement of funds must take place BEFORE September 30, 2024.

The Museum Workers Relief Fund has been able to distribute over $100,000 in mutual aid to colleagues across the country because of YOU! This community is strong, generous, and resilient. We remain in awe of the collective action happening at union meetings, among groups doing valuable research and advocacy work, and in each and every person working to create equitable, safe, and just workplaces. 

We’ll report back on what we hear and share next steps soon. 

In solidarity,
Museum Workers Speak