Open Collective
Open Collective
October 2023 Update!
Published on November 6, 2023 by Jenna L

Hi there!

Happy Autumn! We hope you’re enjoying fall colors and your favorite fall pastimes wherever you are. We were busy in October and we hope we got to see you at one of our tabling sessions in the last few weekends of October.

We showed up at the Black Lives Matter Memorial Garden on October 22nd to hold space with organizers there and hand out books and zines on Palestinian liberation. Seattle Parks and Recreation is threatening to destroy the garden for so-called “turf renovation” and organizers with Black Star Farmers, who created and manage the garden, are asking everyone to take action to make sure the garden is safe. If you haven’t yet, we encourage you to follow BSF’s lead and take action to help save the garden by: 
1) Send emails to Parks Managers and Elected Officials; 
4) BSF is encouraging folks to “come hang out at the garden …. and plug in by hosting/participating in events like sign making, movie nights, food distribution, and trash cleanup.”

If we didn’t see you at BLMG, we hope we got to see this past weekend at the Mutual Aid Fair that took place at Cal Anderson Park. It was a beautiful day and we handed out so many books and posters for a Free Palestine!

We invite you to join us in taking action to end the apartheid in Palestine: 
  1. Join Seattle’s weekly protests and demonstrations every Saturday at 3pm at Westlake. For more updated information, you can follow Falastiniyat on Instagram.

  1. Email or call congress to demand for a Ceasefire now: 

On a celebratory note, we just wrapped up our first political education book group called Read with MAB. We spent the last 4 months reading and chatting our way through No More Police by Mariame Kaba and Andrea Ritchie and our last session wrapped up on October 22! Folks took some time to share what this space brought up for them, and there was a general sense of gratefulness for the space as it served for many to reflect about what could be possible and it served as a continuous reminder to exercise hope. We are so grateful for the time, insights, questions, and discussion provided by the whole group, but we especially want to lift up gratitude for the folks who joined us from inside the carceral system. Also big thanks to No New Washington Prisons for helping us facilitate a few sessions. One action item that came from them: sign onto this letter to say no to expansion of Western State Hospital!

We hope we can do a project like Read with MAB again soon and we’d love to hear your thoughts. If you have any book recs for a next iteration of this project, you can send us a message through our Insta (@mutualaidbooks) or email us at seamutualaidbooks (at)

Did you miss us at The Station this month? We’re sorry we weren’t there (we were supporting the Mutual Aid Fair!), but we promise we’ll be back for November! If you have any book requests you’d like to see, please send us a message through our Insta (@mutualaidbooks) or email us at seamutualaidbooks (at)

As always, we deeply appreciate your solidarity. If you have any questions or feedback, send us an email.

In solidarity,
Alex H & Aline and the rest of the MAB team