NEW SEEDS FOR TARA, Brazil 2023 has been archived.
NEW SEEDS FOR TARA, Brazil 2023 has been archived and is no longer active.
Funding for an intersubjective neo-Gaian gathering in Brazil, Jan 2023

Transparent and open finances.
Balance transfer
-$4,408.00 USD
Credit from Sherry Zhang to NEW SEEDS FOR TARA, Brazil 2023 •
Contribution #617965
Today’s balance--.-- USD
Total raised
$6,335.73 USD
Total disbursed
$6,335.73 USD
Estimated annual budget
--.-- USD

"New seeds for tara" is an art piece created in co-creation, from the space in between us.
It is an experience, a process, a living creature.
It is a poem being offered to the earth.
It is an experiment on radical love...
What is it like to see, feel, taste and touch the Earth as lover?
A group of international people will gather in Brazil, Ibiúna, to be in dialogue with this inquiry, and experiment with different intersubjective practices, artistic practices, and the art of ritual, to understand what "earth as lover" actually means.
This gathering drinks from the practice of Collective Presencing, and our recent group soul making experiment in Berlin - participation mystique.
This is also a provocation to the "meta modern community": we ask you to become conscious and aware of the southern hemisphere of our collective bodies... also our feet, legs, hips, ass and bellies.
Why Tara?
For many reasons... And for no reason.
Also because of this: "the courtship of tara"
Why to invest in art?
There are two paths we can take here: the path of convincing with logic and reason, and the path of touching.
If you feel touched by this, and if you feel moved to donate, we welcome your generosity.
If you also like logic, there is a reason why art is so important for human development.
In the book "the 6 hidden patterns of history", Hanzi Freinacht shows how Art is always the first movement before any philosophical, technological, political or ethical movement.
We believe that in following our souls calling, and making art, we might contribute to significant changes, long term. We might be wrong, and the only way to find out, is to do it!
If you feel moved to know more, please contact amanda:
[email protected]
It is an experience, a process, a living creature.
It is a poem being offered to the earth.
It is an experiment on radical love...
What is it like to see, feel, taste and touch the Earth as lover?
A group of international people will gather in Brazil, Ibiúna, to be in dialogue with this inquiry, and experiment with different intersubjective practices, artistic practices, and the art of ritual, to understand what "earth as lover" actually means.
This gathering drinks from the practice of Collective Presencing, and our recent group soul making experiment in Berlin - participation mystique.
This is also a provocation to the "meta modern community": we ask you to become conscious and aware of the southern hemisphere of our collective bodies... also our feet, legs, hips, ass and bellies.
Why Tara?
For many reasons... And for no reason.
Also because of this: "the courtship of tara"
Why to invest in art?
There are two paths we can take here: the path of convincing with logic and reason, and the path of touching.
If you feel touched by this, and if you feel moved to donate, we welcome your generosity.
If you also like logic, there is a reason why art is so important for human development.
In the book "the 6 hidden patterns of history", Hanzi Freinacht shows how Art is always the first movement before any philosophical, technological, political or ethical movement.
We believe that in following our souls calling, and making art, we might contribute to significant changes, long term. We might be wrong, and the only way to find out, is to do it!
If you feel moved to know more, please contact amanda:
[email protected]
Our team

NEW SEEDS FOR TARA, Brazil 2023 is all of us
Our contributors 9
Thank you for supporting NEW SEEDS FOR TARA, Brazil 2023.
Cheryl H.
$1,400 USD
X and C
participant fee
$1,260 USD
participant fee
$800 USD
Sherry Zhang
participant fee
$775 USD
Nick Shore
$750 USD
$693 USD
participant fee
$540 USD
Andreas Manthey
participant fee
$240 USD
participant fee
$100 USD