Open Collective
Open Collective
Published on July 9, 2024 by Joshua Patroba

The inception of nvc and sociocracy to Diani Montensorri
 In early 2023 Kirsten, a certified trainer from Denmark visited Diani Montessori school and shared some nvc sessions. during this period the 2023 Kenyan NVC Retreat planning was underway. later in December, we had the opportunity to send two school staff members to attend the  2023 Kenyan NVC Retreat .
We would like to extend my deepest gratitude to Kristina and Diani Montessori School for their incredible support in enabling Felix and Elizabeth to attend the 2023 10-day NVC retreat. The generosity and belief in their personal growth and development are truly commendable. Thank you for investing in their journey towards better communication and understanding. Your kindness will surely have a lasting impact on their lives. your desire to see nvc being adopted into the junior secondary and sharing it with the staff and other community members has allowed many to have the gift of learning nvc.

Post-Retreat Commitment.
  After 10 days of learning, sharing, and living nvc with other participants, there was the opportunity for all participants to share the social change programs that they are involved in in their regions or society. Felix and Elizabeth had the chance to present the Montessori project and shared the contacts with the organizers.

Inspiration from the 2023 NVC Kenya retreat
In the same December, the two managed to invite Joshua Patroba, a CNVC certification candidate and IIT organizer of the 2023 Retreat, to train the team at Diani. since some management gaps needed some deeper listening and structured dialogue, some one-on-one sessions and empathic listening offered the much-needed support.
after the end of the training, there was a big YES for the training to continue and share the skills with the learners and the support staff. Felix and Elizabeth were requested to be the contact persons and lead for the nvc project in the school.
in December a proposal was developed and both teams agreed on how the support would be to support the nvc project in the school.

Nvc and Sociocracy Project
 On the 14th of April 2024, Joshua and Steve traveled to Diani Beach Kwale County.
in April 2024, the first nvc 5-day training was done under nvc and sociocracy from the 15th to the 19th. this training involved Grade 6, and Grade 7 Learners for two days, training staff, and other support staff in the school for 5 days. this was doable through the help of trainers Joshua Patroba and Steve Maina who are both CNVC certification candidates.
our learnings/ Lessons learned.
in the updates, there are pictorial snippets to show the progress. As part of the learnings from the pieces of training, there has been a more cohesive, collaborative, connected, supportive, and understanding team in the school, more openness in sharing concerns, and making clear requests that are geared towards meeting the needs of both parties. from the last training that we did, there has been immense growth and the team has requested the  August school calendar holiday for a 5-day training.