Open Collective
Open Collective
Published on July 13, 2024 by Joshua Patroba

Dear Valued Donors and Supporters, 
As we reflect on the impact of the NVC in Education project at the Diani Montessori Academy, we are privileged to share with you the heartfelt testimonials from our participants. These messages embody the transformative power of Nonviolent Communication and the profound effect it has on the lives of our students, teachers, support staff, and management. 
In these testimonials, you will witness the radiant hope, healing, and growth brought forth by the NVC training. Each word shared by our young participants is a testament to the positive change that this project instills in their hearts and minds. 
We hold in high regard the importance of protecting the identities of our young participants, and thus, some feedback has been anonymized to safeguard their privacy and dignity. 
We invite you to immerse yourself in these inspiring testimonials and join us in our mission to continue fostering empathy, connection, and understanding through NVC in Education. Your support is vital in sustaining this transformative project and nurturing a more compassionate future for our youth. 
Together, we can make a difference. Together, we can amplify the voices of these future changemakers. 
Thank you for being a beacon of light and hope in the lives of our students. 
With gratitude, 
The nvc trainers" Joshua Patroba and Steve Maina"  the Participants" the  Management and the Dedicated Team of NVC and Sociocracy supporting this Vision.  
"To Joshua, 
the way you started the session I thought it would be boring,  but to my surprise, I have enjoyed it and was even emotional to see you leaving. despite this time being my holiday, I can't regret having this time I don't count it as a loss but a very big opportunity for my learning and awareness. Remember us and whenever we call upon you next time kindly consider us. 
the practicals were very nice and meaningful to the work that we do here in school. you sharing the practicals I could see myself in it without you telling me and I  could see some solutions on my own. my request is to have more of nvc to be in our system" yours  David. 
"thanks for coming and for the training, your training has impacted me and I ask you to come back frequently and come back to this community to share the change"  support staff. 
To you the trainers Steve and Joshua, 
Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity to learn, I came in as an invited teacher to a training something that I thought was just a workshop, I am going home feeling happy that the training has equipped me with the skills of listening, observing, connecting to the feeling of the kids, needs, making requests that they can manage to do and also I deal with orphans this has been a healing process seeing how I can connect to myself when I see needs of the kids that I can not meet at that point. also, I have seen how my thinking is full of thoughts instead of clear observations. with this awareness, I go home with a big gratitude to Elizabeth who invited me to the school for allowing me to come in from outside. I will try to reach out to my boss and share the feedback on what you're training and see how we can have this training in our school. thank you once more. 
smile emoji.."  Invited teacher from another primary school within Diani. 
"To Joshua, my observations towards the training were mainly on how you put lessons in a manner that you are differentiating personal life and organizational needs. you took my attention and made me feel happy and relieved that my needs for clarity, communication, and being understood were met. thank you for observing our situations and giving us the platform to express ourselves. may God bless you and expand your knowledge further. thank you."  A teacher. 
" I love the way you handled the session where women separated into one group and shared their thoughts about men and men with women. I was surprised how you helped us to shift from blaming each other and looking at the needs behind the blame. it was amazing how people connect with needs. each day I went home with a big learning that I could not write now and finish. thank and we request you to talk to the management we have this training frequently I will never miss. welcome back gain." support staff.   Teacher Judy Awuor 
"thank you for the training, I have learned a lot within a very short time. you gave short notes and more practicals and I was happy that you were not like other trainers in the training that I attended. you facilitated the training in a real way and you were to the level of participants. also, you did not demand us to share when we were not able to share but asked what we understood you asked. this changed how am going to teach in my class. thank you for the sessions." A teacher. 
"thank you trainers for the training.  I was scared of how we were going to learn with the boss and our teachers. I have never been in a training with Kristina and I was happy that you helped us to feel safe and share with everyone. when I was listened to by my teacher in the exercise that you gave in the group. I felt good because in class the teacher does not say what they heard or understood but this one the teacher was to listen and say what they heard not what they understood. I feel more ok to talk to my teachers and I will use this in class. I enjoyed your English it's so good. I will be like you when I grow up. thanks, heart emoji " A grade 7 pupil. 
" Mr Joshua, I have enjoyed your training. it has helped me understand so many aspects of my life especially self connect, and how to make clear observations, needs, and requests. I have always blamed others for the things that do not work for me but now I know I need to connect with myself before I say it's them who are bad. " A grade 6 pupil. 
"thank you trainers for coming. your training was great and practical with the things that I now see how to change and make my life more peaceful. we hope you will come back again. thank you. " A grade 6 pupil 
" I want to thank you for the creativity and for using some of your real-life examples to make us understand. It made me connect and share some things from my life that have not shared before in public. I hope that we can have more of this training.  you are welcome again" A support staff. 
" To Joshua, 
I am delighted to learn from you a lot. throughout the sessions, you were very vibrant and handled our needs well. bravo, keep it up. hopping to interact with you in the coming training. May the almighty grant you all the knowledge and wisdom that you need to handle this nvc."   From DG 
"It has been a good training and first I would like to appreciate the process has been good, the explanations on the teachings you trained us on was a problem-solving technique. It touched and changed my way of seeing, thinking, and doing things. the examples you used were well understood. thank you so much. looking forward to seeing you again with more to learn."  A support staff. 
"thank you for always being ready to explain again and being patient at times when we are reluctant to answer you. you're amazing "A participant. 
"I want to thank you Joshua and Steve for offering the school this unique opportunity to experience the training. from the December retreat to the training in December with Joushua I have discovered a new learning and awareness of myself and the people around. on this training. I have learned a lot about leadership and how to support others in leadership. I celebrate that you are very intentional about the training and involved all in the training from security guards, kitchen department, grounds, teachers, learners, and management. 
my takeaway is how you helped most of us at the management level to listen to each other and connect to the needs, when I looked at where we were in December and now, I observed a big shift and change to the positive side. my request is to continue with this training so that all the staff will be able to live and practice nvc. this will meet my needs for support, peace, growth, learning, community, belonging, contribution, and harmony.  my learning has been fun and fulfilling.  I will support in planning and organizing the possible continuation of the coming training training. once more I share my gratitude to you Joshua for the commitment and support you have given to the process of offering us nvc training opportunities, I will be practicing with the grade 7 pupils and expanding our knowledge. 
you are welcome again next time." From Felix Management. 
"  I want to thank you for the training especially the practical part on how we can use it.  I was sad at the start when I realized that there were fewer notes and more practicals. As the days went by I realized I had a lot to write on my own and a clear way that I could understand the notes if I was reading them alone. your way of teaching was new to me. you were giving clear instructions and asking us what we understood you wanted us to do. I was happy with how many times you gave clarity every time you could feel that we were not understanding. 
I want to appreciate the way you used Kiswahili and explained it so clearly that I felt like it was so easy. the ladies who had a fear of speaking English were having fun and ready to contribute because you were accommodating and lowered yourself to their level. As a teacher, I see a lot of things that I will learn from you. your listening skills amused me, being able to listen and say what you heard before you give the answers made me realize at times the learners are not wrong I assume that they have understood without checking for clarity.  I ask you to come back again and don't forget to share the opportunities that may come your way for us to learn more.  also thank you for having meals together with the participants who were new and experienced trainers eating with us.  Asante sana. "  A Teacher