Open Collective
Open Collective
Report on August NVC Training Participants' Feedback for Diani Montessori
Published on August 19, 2024 by Joshua Patroba


From 12th to 16th August 2024, Diani Montessori conducted an impactful five-day Nonviolent Communication (NVC) training designed to enhance interpersonal skills, foster empathy, and promote a culture of understanding within our community. This report summarizes the feedback and insights expressed by participants throughout the training, showcasing the profound effects of the program on their communication practices and personal growth. 
                                                    Participant Testimonials

1. Enhanced Communication Skills 

Many participants highlighted the transformative nature of their communication skills post-training. Quotes illustrating this shift include: 

"The NVC training has revolutionized the way I communicate with others. I've learned to express my needs without judgment and to listen with empathy, which has greatly improved my interactions both personally and professionally. I enjoyed the openness of the training and the clarity that helped me understand the teachings. I have learned how to deal with different people or situations and the detrimental effects of gossip in our lives." - Nuru 

"What I enjoyed most was the use of real-life examples during the training, making lessons enjoyable and understandable. I have learned to listen without blaming or judging and identify the sources of my anger." - Christine 

2. Increased Empathy 

Participants expressed newfound appreciation for empathy as a vital component of communication: 

 "This training opened my eyes to the importance of empathy in communication. I now feel more connected to others and approach conflicts with a mindset of understanding rather than defensiveness." 

3. Practical Tools for Everyday Life 

The training included numerous practical exercises that enabled participants to apply the concepts learned in real-time: 

"I appreciated the practical exercises that were included in the training. They allowed me to apply the concepts in real-time scenarios, making it easier to integrate NVC into my daily life." 

4. Positive Community Impact 

Participants believe that the training will have a widespread positive impact within Diani Montessori: 
"I believe this training will positively influence the culture at Diani Montessori. As more of us adopt these principles, we can create a more supportive and compassionate environment for both staff and students." 

5. Supportive Learning Environment 

Feedback indicated that the training environment fostered trust and engagement: 

"The facilitators created a warm and safe space, nurturing an environment where everyone felt comfortable sharing their thoughts and experiences." 

6. Personal Growth

Participants noted the training's role in their personal development: 

"The training wasn’t just about communication techniques; it was also a journey of self-discovery. I’ve gained clarity on my values and how to express them—something I never expected when I signed up." 

7. Recommendations for Future Training 

Many participants expressed interest in ongoing education and support: 

"I would love to see follow-up workshops to reinforce the concepts we've learned. Ongoing support would be beneficial as we strive to implement NVC practices in our interactions." 


1.      Enhanced Communication Skills
"The NVC training has revolutionized the way I communicate with others. I've learned to express my needs without judgment and to listen with empathy, which has greatly improved my interactions both personally and professionally."

“I enjoyed the openness of the training and the clarity in order to understand the teachings. After the 5 days, I have learned how to deal with different people or situations. I also learned how bad gossip is in our lives. Also am taking home peace of mind and ability to deal with anything that will trigger my anger.” Nuru 

What I enjoyed in our training is that you were using real life examples, experiences hence making the lesson more enjoyable and understandable.
What I take home from this five days is knowledge to know how to listen to other people without blaming, judging, interjecting or questioning. 
I have also had the opportunity to learn where my anger comes from and how others trigger it in me. Now am happy to deal with anger from my side and others.  Christine.

What I enjoyed in your training is the explaining and the choice of examples that are linked with our working environment. This was easy for me to connect and understand the concept easily. From these five days, what I am taking home or the awakening that I have is how to deal with anger, how to connect better in our community,  I have the aware of the very many enemy images that I carry in me and to see how to start letting go since they have served their time and now am past the things that made me see others with the enemy images in my mind.”   Zainab Seif

What I enjoyed in your training is how you handled every topic by giving examples of real-life situations happening within Diani School and the community. What I take home from the 5 days is: am able to control my anger, have been equipped with the qualities of a mediator and now I can say yes if I get the request to support in mediation in my workplace. Also, I have learned to connect with everyone’s feelings and needs regardless of their class or position.”  Mary .A. Kongere.

 “What I have enjoyed in your training is that you dealt with the topics deeply in a way that I understood everything. I am now able to handle my anger, I can now adjust and be a more resourceful and impactful mediator, I got to know how I can identify the enemy images in me about others. Also I can now fully be a good empathic listener to others and offer myself self-empathy.”
 D. G.O 

“What I have really enjoyed in this five days is the way you have engaged all of us in your training, the explanations were very clear and helped us to deal with real situations than thinking of things that might not happen. Now am equipped with skills on how to listen, mediate, manage anger especially now that I deal with the kids in class I have some new skills to listen to them and avoid blaming or judging them of their actions. We hope that you will share more links to support our learning.”  Joseph. 

“I have enjoyed the learning in the five days, my new awareness is that there is more solutions in the world than the problems.” Salim Chiwaya. 
“What I enjoyed in your training is how people were ready to share anything openly. This session was more connecting that than the April one because we used the real present challenges in the school. There is nothing to improve.  Your work is good continue giving us the skills to help us in our daily life.  What I take home are skills, knowledge and tips on how to deal with different situations in life. How to deal with people in an nvc way. I look forward to the next training..” Salim Wendo. 

I enjoyed the training especially how you cared for everyone to understand you by using simple English or even Swahili to ensure everyone is grasping the content of the training and meeting the expectations and objectives we had set in day one. Also I take with me the awareness and knowledge on how to be self-controlled and not letting my emotions decide on my actions.” Easter. 

“What I did enjoy in this training is the positive responses to every question asked and giving clear explanations in all areas touched. It was a great achievement in myself on how I will be able to handle issues. I go with a clear understanding when approaching any disputes and how to solve them appropriately. Thank you for taking your time to train us. Be blessed.”  Beth

What I enjoyed in your training is that you’re very intelligent in giving response to the questions that we ask and also the knowledge on the lessons for 5days you imparted in me. What I take home is how to empathize with others, how to handle thoughts of judgment from the society/ people. Am able to listen to someone and use nvc approach. How to handle enemy images, gossiping, to be free to ask for assistance when a certain situation is complicated for me to handle. Being a good mediator.” David. 
“I enjoyed more practices in your training, life experiences used to make us understand well the lesion. Repetition of the situation so at to us understand the session. How to express my feelings, how to mediate in the real-life situations, how to manage anger” Sabina 

what I take home is the clarity that you gave in each question in each and every ones need. Self-confidence, and lots of love to the community members who we have shared in creating this safe space.” Participant.

“ I enjoyed how I was free to express my feeling and needs with my fellow members and I feel safe in the nvc practice home groups  you created. I have got more knowledge and am happy to apply it in real life.” Frank 
“ I loved the way you did the introduction of the topics and the real life examples used to explain the concept. I felt connected to the participants and I long to learn more nvc language and bring change in our institution and community.” Fresia 

“I was alive and connected to the explanations given, am now more empowered and value my dignity and see myself as a person who can be of help not to hold space for a mediation process.” Jacqueline

“The topics where life changing and realistic, the examples are what we experiences in our daily life. Now I can control my anger, plan to be a good mediator, I am now aware and connected to the enemy images that are triggered in me depending with the past experiences.” Participant. 

“I admired the clarity and attention to the details when you’re sharing your sessions, my motivation is to do the same with my learners in class and share my gift to the community. I know much on mediation which I have been longing to learn. I will be a good listener and be present to the feelings and needs of other persons when listening. When in a state of confusion am happy to have self-empathy to help me connect to my feelings and needs.” Elizabeth

“What I enjoyed in your training is the way you did your explanation and teaching. You were equate and full of knowledge. What I take home for the 5 days of training is, empowerment,  equipped with knowledge in resolving disputes where I can, fostering a community that is peaceful through reconciliation.”Samson Odour 

“I enjoyedthe whole training but what moved me most was the mediation and reconciliation part of it. I'm leaving this experience as a new teacher—empowered, inspired, and equipped with the talents and skills of NVC."Judith Awour 

What I enjoyed in your training in your training is how you use real life experiences in your training. What I take home for the five days to others since am equipped with the skills and also a practising counsellor, am equipped with the process in mediation.” Sylvia Achieng` 

What I enjoyed in your training is how you used real life examples in your explanation and teachings. It made understanding easy. For the five days of training I take home, how to handle mediation and reconciliation process, self-empathy and how to deal with anger.” Elizabeth Recy 

“I loved how you transformed real-life issues and examples into teaching moments, which made the information easier to grasp. Learning NVC over the past five days has been the best training I’ve attended. I’ve gained skills in empathy, conflict resolution through mediation and reconciliation—tools that will be invaluable in my life moving forward."Felix Isiaho

“What I enjoyed in your training is the concept of community building for a smooth co-existence. I take home good communication, good implementation of leadership skills, and character/ Behaviour modeling.” Participant 

2.      Increased Empathy
"This training opened my eyes to the importance of empathy in communication. I now feel more connected to others and can approach conflicts with a mindset of understanding rather than defensiveness." 

3.      Practical Tools for Everyday Life
"I appreciated the practical exercises that were included in the training. They allowed me to apply the concepts in real-time scenarios, making it easier to integrate NVC into my daily life." 

4.      Positive Community Impact
"I believe this training will positively influence the culture at Diani Montessori. As more of us adopt these principles, we can create a more supportive and compassionate environment for both staff and students." 

5.      Supportive Learning Environment
"The facilitators created a warm and safe space for us to share our thoughts and experiences. This nurtured an environment of trust, where everyone felt comfortable to engage fully in the training process." 

6.      Personal Growth
"The training wasn’t just about communication techniques; it was also a journey of self-discovery. I’ve gained clarity on my values and how to communicate them—something I never expected when I signed up." 

7.      Recommendations for Future Training
"I would love to see follow-up workshops to help reinforce the concepts we've learned. Some ongoing support would be beneficial as we strive to implement NVC practices in our interactions." 


The feedback gathered from the participants of the NVC training demonstrates a deep appreciation for the knowledge and practical skills acquired throughout the five-day program. Participants reported significant improvements in their communication abilities and empathy towards others, anticipating lasting benefits for the Diani Montessori community. 

We encourage all participants to continue practicing the principles of Nonviolent Communication and look forward to scheduling additional training sessions in the future to further enhance understanding and collaboration within our community. 

Joshua Patroba

Posted on August 22, 2024

Dear Team,
here is the link for the Diani Montessori 5 days nvc training from August 12 to 16th.