Open Collective
Open Collective
"Voices of Impact: Participants Feedback from Our Training Session"
Published on July 15, 2024 by Joshua Patroba

We are excited to share the insightful feedback we received from participants following our recent training session between 1 and 8 May 2024 in SOROTI UGANDA. Their valuable input highlights the impact of our program and the positive changes it has inspired. Let's take a look at some key takeaways from their experiences.

"What I have enjoyed in this training is the nvc 4 steps of observation, feeling, needs, and request. I was ashamed of how I had been talking to people and not even asking myself why I was talking to them, as a leader I feel like I have been the speaker, not the listener. from now I will listen to what people are saying to me. now I know the types of leaders and the needs-based leadership makes it easy for me to understand needs not my demands. I will be a better communicator to myself and others.
my observation is that the training needs ample time and not to rush in sharing before I understand. i will practice listening and guessing needs in what we talk.
Welcome again."
 Otude Richard.

I celebrate with the trainer what he has shared on this day, your English was soft and easy to understand, and pick learnings from the training.
Also, the use of examples made me connect to what I do in the community how I have been doing, and what I will be doing differently. 
I see how big I am going to adjust how I talk to my husband, my kids, and also to myself. now I can listen to them before I talk, listen to understand not to defend. thank you so much Joshua and Ruth."
from Immaculate Atai
“Dear Joshua, 
Hearing and observing the way you could easily connect with the communities in Uganda in mealy 3 days of getting to know them, gives me an understanding that you’re social and flexible enough to work in any community and culture from around the world. 
On behalf of SOCADIDO, inviting you to carry out a training with our communities in Uganda was the best decision we made. 
During the training, you could easily link the topics to suit the life experiences of our families and cultures in Teso, Uganda. 
I loved the topics that you shared with the participants e.g., the topic on how we perceive men and women that was done by both of them and you linked it to the needs, the positive perceptions men and women hold about each other and what needs are being met, looking at the nature of the participants as being the leaders in their respective communities, I enjoyed listening to you as you shared a topic on leadership styles I.e. domination leadership vs needs-based leadership. This is one of the topics that I saw was more applicable in every aspect of our lives and I appreciate it because all of us who attended this training are leaders in one way or another. 
Remembering the life base experience sharing and examples relating to this topic precisely when you related to the structure of the community in our families (Fathers, daughters, sons, and mothers) and also your willingness to give examples from your experiences in life, it meets my needs for trust and connection. Through this more than 7 participants were able to open up and share the way they conduct communication between among themselves, spouse and children. 
Remembering the way participants could easily connect to share and learn from their experiences, gives then an understanding that their needs for trust, safety, community, and learning were met. 
I share my gratitude and excited that the topics of discussion and learning suits the SOCADIDO goals and objectives.  I also feel happy that through this day's training, the participants can identify a new way of communication based on observations, feelings triggered, and underlying needs and make requests that can fulfill them. 
Once again that you Joshua for giving me the opportunity to be a co trainer in helping deepen my training skills and learn from you. I felt more equipped with the skills to share nvc with the community especially now that am engaged in social work. 
I look forward to many more experiences like this from you.” 
With full of joy. 
IFrom Proscovia Ruth. Project coordinator SOCADIDO 

“I have learned so much within a very short time. Am sad that the days were less and the willingness to learn was active and we sadly say goodbye. I wish that this training can be done frequently so that we can be able to deal with the pressure that we are receiving from society during our leadership meetings. I have now seen the much damage that I do in my communication from home to even in the leadership position that I have in the society. This was a very big secret that you have made me see myself in a different way. Now I can connect to my feeling, needs and make requests to myself before I go attacking other people. Also from today, I will try to listen to my husband differently and also my kids. 
As a leader, I am going out of this training a changed person. I can already see what I need to adjust to fit the society's needs and I can see how my listening can contribute to conflicts or solve them. To the Kenyans who have given us the Ugandans the opportunity to learn from especially here in the villages we thank them. 

To you Joshua you are a gift to us and we pray for you. As we are in leadership positions we would love all of us to go and do this training in the communities with the help of Ruth but still we would request you to come and train us more. Your English was not hard to listen to it and I was not sure how I was going to talk my broken English. Thank you for bringing yourself to our level and encouraging us to speaking what we understand and asking for Ruth and papa to translate to you what you could not get at time. I will never miss your training if you’re in Uganda. Welcome again.” 
From Stella Alupo 

 “ I have enjoyed the training from the facilitators. I have learned how to deal with my emotions, how to listen what is happening in me and this will help me to me to deal with my everyday issues. This is one of the trainings that I have enjoyed and I will remember it for a very long time. From day one I could see where I am going to use the skills because it was more of connecting with myself before I go to serve others. 
You have managed to make the training very easy and seamless. I do awareness in the society and communicate important information’s to the people that I lead, I will be clearer in my communications and support others to adjust to the new skills. Thank you SOCADIDO for offering this kind of training it was unique and impactful” 
From Harriet 

From this training, I have gone home with a gift. How do I observe my sounding environment, how do I feel about it, and what I am willing to do without demanding or sacrificing? Also in my family now I see what my responsibilities are when it comes to communication, I know what triggers me and how to communicate it to my partner in a way that he does not feel attacked. I can now enjoy my life and share openly with the people that I lead when I am feeling overwhelmed without fearing their judgments.  My life has been relieved by how I will be receiving painful discussions. To the ones I lead, I will offer a different type of leadership and help them see why we have borrowed this type of leadership. 
I have known how to communicate with my kids at home and try not to separate them from their father. Also, I learned how I can collaborate and share issues with my husband. I have learned how to interact with my friends who are doing business and especially how to be accountable. “I have been my own accountant” I do this because I see there is a need that I will meet by trying to adopt and implement all this. 
Also I enjoyed so much the topic about the positive and negative things in men and women. I was happy to list many because I only saw the bad and when you said we guess the needs behind each point I was forced to change the way I was looking at life. Thank you Joshua and Ruth
From  Mary 

“Throughout the 3 days of the nvc training with our community beneficiaries. I have observed that you are repeatedly explaining to participants what they ask you make clarity. You completed the planned topics for discussion or training in this sub-county and this met my need for balance. I enjoyed listening to your explanations especially on the topic of leadership styles like when one of the participants asked for the link between leadership and nvc. Thank you so much for your support to SOCADIDO in facilitating this nvc workshop.” 
 From Ruth. 

“I want to thank the trainer for the session today. It has opened my mind to understand what I was missing at home especially when am sharing things at home with my wife and my children I have changed from this training on how to correct my message with my wife, son and my girl when they ask for something from me. 

 I noticed that most of the kids’ requests are coming from my wife and not from the kids. At times my wife would try to change the message so that it would make me happy and this changes the information. Now I will be approaching my kids and encouraging them to come to ask for any support from me directly to avoid miscommunication as I have seen I this training exercise. 
From Charles

  Joshua what I have enjoyed from you is you are a well-trained facilitator and understanding man around. You are so audible enough that everybody admires it. So we do request SOCADIDO to try and bring you back again. We wish you a safe journey back home.” 
From Akwi Everline 

I have got knowledge of being a leader, picked some direction on how to lead, I have seen a man from Kenya training me which was a good experience. I enjoyed his teaching style and the practical examples from him, I enjoyed how now I have clear freedom to express myself, I see the peace it will bring to our society and the experiences that I t can already contribute to solving.” 
From Patrick