Open Collective
Open Collective

Gathering Together as an emerging Australian NVC Community.

An online event to hear updates, contribute and connect.

Friday, September 30, 2022, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM (UTC+10:00)


Since its formation a year ago, the NVC Australia team of volunteers has continued to meet regularly, deepening our relationships and sparking some exciting projects.

We'd love the opportunity to communicate about what we’ve been doing over the last year and invite your contributions, inspiration, feedback and support as we vision our way forward. 

We (Chris Gillett, Alistair McKinnon, Chez Scott, Elizabeth Thomson, Sharon Rallings and Karen Thompson-Anderson) wholeheartedly invite you to come and be part of emerging NVC Australia... we look forward to connecting in community with you.

Our team

Chez Elena Scott

Core Contributor

ET (Elizabeth)

Core Contributor

Sharon Rallings

Core Contributor


Let’s get the ball rolling!

News from Gathering Together as an emerging Australian NVC Community.

Updates on our activities and progress.

(New Zoom Link!) Friday 30th 7pm. NVC Australian Community

It's nearly time to be together, how wonderful :-) The project team are looking forward to checking in with you and sharing what's alive. Emerging NVC Australian Community Zoom Call Tomorrow. Friday 30th 7pm - 9pm Here's th...
Read more
Published on September 29, 2022 by Kaz T-Anderson