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New York Foundation (Release $3,958.33/month)

Part of: YPC Income

We received a $47,500 general operating grant from New York Foundation for July 2024-June 2025. Over a 12 month period this is $3,958.33/month.


Transparent and open finances.

Today’s balance

$15,833.40 USD

Total raised

$140,000.00 USD

Total disbursed

$124,166.60 USD

Estimated annual budget

$47,500.00 USD


The New York Foundation is an amazing supporting of Youth Power Coalition! We have up to five years of general operating funds so long as we're making progress on our mission.

We received our first $45,000 general operating grant from the New York Foundation for July 2022-June 2023.

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New York Foundation (Release $3,958.33/month) is all of us

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Thank you for supporting New York Foundation (Release $3,958.33/month).

New York Foun...

$47,500 USD