Open Collective
Open Collective


Newest First
All expenses
All methods

consulting & support

from Protozoa to Open Collective NZ
$3,450.00 NZD
$96.00 NZD

October Hours

from Shannon Wray to Open Collective NZ
$320.00 NZD
$273.91 NZD
$2,300.00 NZD

September Hours

from Shannon Wray to Open Collective NZ
$320.00 NZD

consulting & support

from Protozoa to Open Collective NZ
$1,150.00 NZD

August Hours

from Shannon Wray to Open Collective NZ
$320.00 NZD
$460.00 NZD
Page Total:$9,149.91 NZD

Payment processor fees may apply.

Page of 11
Organization balance
$624.62 NZD

Current Fiscal Host
Open Collective NZ

Expense policies
Expenses are paid weekly. Reimbursements must have a receipt uploaded. Invoices do not require a separate uploaded document, though if you wish to upload one, it should be made out to Open Collective NZ Ltd, with reference to the relevant Collective. If your invoice includes GST, please ensure you click 'Apply Goods and services tax (GST)' and add your GST number.


How do I get paid from a Collective?
Submit an expense and provide your payment information.
How are expenses approved?
Collective admins are notified when an expense is submitted, and they can approve or reject it.
Is my private data made public?
No. Only the expense amount and description are public. Attachments, payment info, emails and addresses are only visible to you and the admins.
When will I get paid?
Payments are processed by the Collective's Fiscal Host, the organization that hold funds on their behalf. Many Fiscal Hosts pay expenses weekly, but each one is different.
Why do you need my legal name?
The display name is public and the legal name is private, appearing on receipts, invoices, and other official documentation used for tax and accounting purposes.