Open Collective
Open Collective

CSS Logical Shorthands

These days, it's a common practice to use logical flow-relative properties & values like `block-size` whenever possible. But the shorthand properties feel stuck in the past. It's surprising that a `size` shorthand can't set the `inline-size`, and the `inset` shorthand doesn't include `inset-block-start`. There are several proposals to move forward, but they've been stalled in the Working Group for several years – waiting for someone to do the necessary background research. Let's make it happen!

- A Github issue been open since 2017, to discuss the problem and potential solutions
- In 2021, Elika Etimad and Jen Simmons and I proposed a multi-step path forward, to progressively move towards logical properties as a simple default for CSS 
- Every year at TPAC, the Internationalization Working Group asks us to make progress and provide updates.
- Every year, we disappoint them.

It's not a massive project, but it will take some time and effort.

Read more about it on our blog


Goal $5,000 USD

Amount raised

$310.00 USD

Still to contribute

$4,690.00 USD


4 individuals have contributed to this goal

Join us in contributing to this tier!

Andreu Botella

CSS Logical Shorthands

$100 USD

Kevin Powell

CSS Logical Shorthands

$100 USD

Christophe Co...

CSS Logical Shorthands

$100 USD

Miriam Suzanne


$10 USD

$5,000 USD goal

$310 USD raised (6%)
