Open Collective
Open Collective
Update from the Birds: June OSS Progress
Published on July 16, 2024 by Sondra Eby

Here's what the OddBird Birds were up to in June. Thanks to all of you who contribute to make this progress possible!

from James Stuckey Weber I worked on Anchor Position Polyfill, adding position-anchor and making progress on position fallbacks. I also contributed a gamut mapping algorithm proposed by CSSWG to Color.js.

from Jonny Gerig Meyer I’ve continued as a maintainer of Color.js, recently helping transition from manually defined TypeScript definitions to automated type definitions generated from JSDoc comments in the codebase itself.

from Miriam Suzanne The CSS Working Group has several face-to-face meetings (hybrid online/in-person) throughout the year, and they always result in a flurry of activity! Highlights include a partial draft of the mixins & functions specification, plans for an if() function (based on style container queries), a path forward on color gamut-mapping, and whole load of small fixes for scope & containers.