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Version 0.4.8 is out!
This version was more upgrade of all the dependencies and also more documentation.The next release (very soon!) will be of new features.
Published on March 31, 2019 by Ziv Barber

Officegen features overview:
Generating Microsoft PowerPoint document (.pptx file):
Create PowerPoint document with one or more slides.
Support both PPT and PPS.
Can create native charts.
Add text blocks.
Add images.
Can declare fonts, alignment, colors and background.
You can rotate objects.
Support shapes: Ellipse, Rectangle, Line, Arrows, etc.
Support hidden slides.
Support automatic fields like date, time and current slide number.
Support speaker notes.
Support slide layouts.
Generating Microsoft Word document (.docx file):
Create Word document.
You can add one or more paragraphs to the document and you can set the fonts, colors, alignment, etc.
You can add images.
Support header and footer.
Support bookmarks and hyperlinks.
Generating Microsoft Excel document (.xlsx file):
Create Excel document with one or more sheets. Supporting cells with either numbers or strings.
$ npm install officegen
Microsoft PowerPoint basic usage example:
const officegen = require('officegen')
const fs = require('fs')
// Create an empty PowerPoint object:
let pptx = officegen('pptx')
// Officegen calling this function after finishing to generate the pptx document:
pptx.on('finalize', function(written) {
'Finish to create a Microsoft PowerPoint document.'
// Officegen calling this function to report errors:
pptx.on('error', function(err) {
// Let's add a title slide:
let slide = pptx.makeTitleSlide('Officegen', 'Example to a PowerPoint document')
// Pie chart slide example:
slide = pptx.makeNewSlide()
slide.name = 'Pie Chart slide'
slide.back = 'ffff00'
title: 'My production',
renderType: 'pie',
name: 'Oil',
labels: ['Czech Republic', 'Ireland', 'Germany', 'Australia', 'Austria', 'UK', 'Belgium'],
values: [301, 201, 165, 139, 128, 99, 60],
colors: ['ff0000', '00ff00', '0000ff', 'ffff00', 'ff00ff', '00ffff', '000000']
// Let's generate the PowerPoint document into a file:
let out = fs.createWriteStream('example.pptx')
out.on('error', function(err) {
// Async call to generate the output file:
Microsoft Word basic usage example:
const officegen = require('officegen')
const fs = require('fs')
// Create an empty Word object:
let docx = officegen('docx')
// Officegen calling this function after finishing to generate the docx document:
docx.on('finalize', function(written) {
'Finish to create a Microsoft Word document.'
// Officegen calling this function to report errors:
pptx.on('error', function(err) {
// Create a new paragraph:
let pObj = docx.createP()
pObj.addText(' with color', { color: '000088' })
pObj.addText(' and back color.', { color: '00ffff', back: '000088' })
pObj = docx.createP()
pObj.addText('Since ')
pObj.addText('officegen 0.2.12', {
back: '00ffff',
shdType: 'pct12',
shdColor: 'ff0000'
}) // Use pattern in the background.
pObj.addText(' you can do ')
pObj.addText('more cool ', { highlight: true }) // Highlight!
pObj.addText('stuff!', { highlight: 'darkGreen' }) // Different highlight color.
pObj = docx.createP()
pObj.addText('Even add ')
pObj.addText('external link', { link: 'https://github.com' })
pObj = docx.createP()
pObj.addText('Bold + underline', { bold: true, underline: true })
pObj = docx.createP({ align: 'center' })
pObj.addText('Center this text', {
border: 'dotted',
borderSize: 12,
borderColor: '88CCFF'
pObj = docx.createP()
pObj.options.align = 'right'
pObj.addText('Align this text to the right.')
pObj = docx.createP()
pObj.addText('Those two lines are in the same paragraph,')
pObj.addText('but they are separated by a line break.')
pObj = docx.createP()
pObj.addText('Fonts face only.', { font_face: 'Arial' })
pObj.addText(' Fonts face and size.', { font_face: 'Arial', font_size: 40 })
pObj = docx.createP()
// We can even add images:
// Let's generate the Word document into a file:
let out = fs.createWriteStream('example.docx')
out.on('error', function(err) {
// Async call to generate the output file:
Microsoft Excel basic usage example:
const officegen = require('officegen')
const fs = require('fs')
// Create an empty Excel object:
let xlsx = officegen('xlsx')
// Officegen calling this function after finishing to generate the xlsx document:
xlsx.on('finalize', function(written) {
'Finish to create a Microsoft Excel document.'
// Officegen calling this function to report errors:
xlsx.on('error', function(err) {
let sheet = xlsx.makeNewSheet()
sheet.name = 'Officegen Excel'
// Add data using setCell:
sheet.setCell('E7', 42)
sheet.setCell('I1', -3)
sheet.setCell('I2', 3.141592653589)
sheet.setCell('G102', 'Hello World!')
// The direct option - two-dimensional array:
sheet.data[0] = []
sheet.data[0][0] = 1
sheet.data[1] = []
sheet.data[1][3] = 'some'
sheet.data[1][4] = 'data'
sheet.data[1][5] = 'goes'
sheet.data[1][6] = 'here'
sheet.data[2] = []
sheet.data[2][5] = 'more text'
sheet.data[2][6] = 900
sheet.data[6] = []
sheet.data[6][2] = 1972
// Let's generate the Excel document into a file:
let out = fs.createWriteStream('example.xlsx')
out.on('error', function(err) {
// Async call to generate the output file:
For full documentation: https://github.com/Ziv-Barber/officegen/blob/master/manual/README.md
Our team
Ziv Barber