Okionu Birth Foundation Is A Goldman Sachs One Million Black Women Grant Recipient!
Published on June 16, 2022 by Jacquelyn Clemmons

Hello Okionu family, As we approach our one year anniversary we are thrilled to announce we will receive a Black Women Impact Grant from Goldman Sachs One Million Black Women!
Launched in partnership with Black women-led organizations, the One Million Black Women
initiative, is the largest commitment of its kind in size and scope to drive investment in housing;
healthcare; access to capital; education; job creation and workforce advancement; digital
connectivity; and financial health to narrow the dual gender and race gap faced by Black women.
With this grant, we will have access to unrestricted, multi-year funding to scale and support new
Black parents by providing six weeks of meals and group support to address the needs of low-
income postpartum families. This partnership offers us the opportunity to change the entire
trajectory of postpartum care among low-income families.
We are so thankful for their belief in our mission and look forward to building on this
partnership to improve the lives of postpartum Black women everywhere.
🎉 1
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