We’ve designed an all-new Dashboard, which brings together all of your top tasks on Open Collective in one place.
We spend a lot of time at Open Collective thinking about how to make the platform better for you. Sometimes, that means bringing out new features. And sometimes that means making the things you do every day simpler. That’s why we’ve spent the last few months working on a new way to navigate the platform.
Dashboard is our new streamlined interface, which helps you complete your tasks on Open Collective quickly and seamlessly.
It’s your Home Base for everything you do - whether you’re a contributor, organization, collective or fiscal host admin.
We’re pretty proud of what we’ve created, but now it’s time to see what you think. We have now released Dashboard as an opt-in public beta to get your feedback and opinions. So what’s changed?
You can use the new Dashboard to access all the features you use regularly on Open Collective. But we’ve rethought the design to make it more transparent and intuitive.
When you sign in to the platform, you’ll now see a handy menu on the left-hand side, which allows you to:
- Keep up-to-date with recent actions and activity
- Follow your transaction history
- Track your expenses
- Review and approve incoming expenses
- Monitor incoming contributions
By clicking your profile icon on the left-hand menu, you can switch from your personal profile to any admin accounts you operate for your organizations, collectives or fiscal hosts. You can use the Settings drop-down menu to change your profile details, payment methods, security options and more...
How do I get started?
If that sounds good to you, you can opt-in to the new design by:
- Signing in to your Open Collective account
- Clicking your profile picture on the top-right of the page
- Locating the new Preview Features option
- Toggling on the “Dashboard” option
That will activate the public beta version of your Dashboard. From there, you can explore the new layout and see how it improves your workflow.
If you need to revert to the old version, don’t worry: You can disable the new version by toggling off the Dashboard option you switched on earlier.
We hope the new Dashboard helps you complete your tasks on Open Collective much more efficiently. But our work isn’t done here. We’ll make changes and fixes to the design over the next few months while we prepare for the full launch.
We want to hear from different types of users about how Dashboard works for them, and we’ll be adding and improving things based on your feedback.
If you have any thoughts or comments about the new design, let us know what you think by clicking the Give Feedback option in your Dashboard or using this link.