Open Collective
Open Collective
New Hosting at Hostinger
Published on April 9, 2021 by Z3 Development

We just wanted to thank everyone for the contributions. Those helped us to purchase new hosting services for the websites. You can find the new website at

Claude Petitpierre

Posted on April 10, 2021

J'utilise l'ancienne version d'OpenJSCAD depuis plusieurs années et j'essaie de suivre le nouveau développement. j'ai vu que ma contribution était notée, merci. Or je ne comprends plus rien du tout. Quelle est la liaison entre Open collective et openJSCAD ? Lorsque je clique sur les liens, je n'arrive jamais deux fois au même endroit (mais c'est certainement de ma faute), il y a des liens jscad et d'autres openJSCAD. J'ai vu quelque part des tutoriels, mais je ne les retrouve plus. De plus je n'ai pas compris si c'était des tutoriels de JSCAD ou du développement. 
J'aimerais bien passer à la nouvelle version, mais je ne sais pas où commencer. Et je ne vois d'ailleurs pas comment de nouveaux venus pourraient s'y mettre.
Je suis sûr que ce nouveau développement est intéressant, mais je n'ai pas trouvé le fil d'Ariane.
Merci de votre aide. Claude Petitpierre

Z3 Development

Posted on April 11, 2021

Hi Claude

Thanks for the nice reply. It's always nice to know that OpenJSCAD is being used by others.

Happily, the NEW website is now available. This is V2 JSCAD. Please see
There is also a user group at

Claude Petitpierre

Posted on April 12, 2021

If I understand correctly, the notation sphere().translate([10,10,7]) is no longer valid.
Is there a means to install and reference a library I would have developed myself ?
The first time I loaded a program with a main containing a cuboid, without any require statement, the cuboid appeared in the window. Was it by chance ?
I thank you for you kind answer, Claude

Z3 Development

Posted on April 14, 2021

> If I understand correctly, the notation sphere().translate([10,10,7]) is no longer valid.
That's correct. The API has changed to a functional approach.

> Is there a means to install and reference a library I would have developed myself ?
It depends on what you would like encapsulate in the objects.
If you just want something like the old objects then please see which wraps the new geometries.

> Was it by chance ?
Totally by chance. The options to most functions have changed. If you have old V1 designs then changes are required. Sorry.

By the way, there are lots of great folks at the user group. I'm sure that would be a better place for discussions.