Open Collective
Open Collective


Become an official sponsor with a monthly donation of at least $100.

Simply put, without our generous sponsors, OpenML would not be able to make all its resources and services available for free to the entire world. By donating to OpenML you further the project's mission to democratize machine learning research. Your donations will be used to run engaging community events (which require venues, catering, and thank-you packages), to enable internships, and to maintain and improve our platform services, which requires compute and storage infrastructure, as well as technical development and maintenance. With your support, we can bring OpenML to the next level, together!

We are open to many forms of sponsorship, both in kind and in cash. Rather than providing fixed sponsorship levels, we would love to hear from you and learn how we could better align with your goals. Here are examples of possible benefits, but we are open to new ideas to collaborate with you.


1 organization has contributed to this goal

Join us in contributing to this tier!

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€1,300 EUR