Open Collective
Open Collective
Newsletter 08.12.19
Published on December 8, 2019 by Teresa Ingram

Ahoi-sin sauce:)

Sorry I missed a newsletter! We had some big and sad news...we didn't win the Prototype Fund. As rubbish as this is, it has catalysed some important changes in Opt Out. The past two weeks I have been doing everything in my power to structure the project and manage it better on github. What's been done...

Last week summary:

- Improved onboaring/product vision documentation ->

- Added lots of Github projects ->

- Made a core Github team ->

- Created a feminist theory repo for qualitative research ->

- Added countless more issues

- Got feedback on pitch deck

- Spoke with Factmata

Coming this week:

- More issues/tasks and making sure different roadmaps, milestones and work is clear

- Feedback from MOSS grant first draft

- Design chat with SK

- Research roadmap chat with MY SW and NS

- GDPR chats/canvas :)

- New website designs being implemented

- Is and Isnt misogynistic buttons

- Getting user base for alpha testing

- Marketing chat with Jorge

Chat with Lucie Parker about feminist policy around hatespeech

I am now doing an intensive German course which is three hours a day and also my laptop broke Thursday so not so much has been done.

And some Christmas cheer for you all...

Q: What kind of Christmas music do elves like?

A: “Wrap” music


Piece <3