Open Collective
Open Collective
Newsletter 25.11.19
Published on November 26, 2019 by Teresa Ingram



So here's some summaries...enjoy :)

Hackathon Summary

- We now have clear definitions of what needs to go into MVP, new features, future etc. -> I'll get these up soon CT remind me where you sent me the photo?

- Thanks to SW for the issues on github and the whole hackathon team for troubleshooting &

- Thanks to MP & CC for having a look into our new idea for collecting tweets MY you'll be interested in that

- I've applied to have a joint regular meetup at Mozilla with IndieWeb

- The consequence scanning workshop was super good! We got some great ideas out of it like have a bot let the individual know they said something misogynistic

Last week Summary

- I gave a presentation at Women Who Code.

- From this I reconnected with EH and also we now may have some mentoring from Google ML experts

- We were annnounced at PES women and our details give to Ingrid Bellander Todino, Acting Head of the Gender Equality Unit who was interested in our work and will give us details of funding towards to end of the year

- Prepared & gave keynote for Mozilla -> "Towards a more Civil Social Web" I'm trying to find the recoding but I'll add the slides for certain

This week

- Communicate product strategy/roadmap

- Finish project management on github

- Finish MOSS grant application

- Write to other institutes -> allen institute - [email protected],, Ford foundation, Bloomberg -> Amanda Stent, Rowntree, Electronic Frontiers

- Plan data science strategy  

- Write Consquence Scanning workshop

- GDPR unblock

- Feedback for sculpt