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Organisation overhead has been archived.

Organisation overhead has been archived and is no longer active.

Organisation overhead


Keeping the lean Borderland org ticking between and during events. Things like IT, board travel costs, legal and bank expenses.


Transparent and open finances.

Today’s balance

--.-- SEK

Total raised

kr 186,250.00 SEK

Total disbursed

kr 186,250.00 SEK

Estimated annual budget

kr 50,000.00 SEK


All time

Expenses paid


Amount disbursed

kr 140,926.60

Tags# of ExpensesAmount
no tag
2kr 89,754.00
it services
1kr 44,335.00
server costs
1kr 44,335.00

View all paid expenses


All time

Contributions received


Amount collected

kr 186,250.00

Tiers# of ContributionsAmount
5kr 186,250.00

View all contributions


This is where we keep track of costs for the org that are not directly related to running the event in a particular year. This is usually called "overhead" costs. We try our very best to keep these as low as we possibly can. Examples of expenses that belong here are IT (servers, services and software), insurance, banking, accounting, container storage between events and legal services. We add funds to this project according to the budget that is set every year on Talk.


Organisation overhead is all of us

Our contributors 1

Thank you for supporting Organisation overhead.

Föreningen Gr...

kr 186,250 SEK