osmo-upf 0.3.0 released
Published on February 18, 2025 by Oliver Smith
Today we've released osmo-upf 0.3.0.
The changelog over 0.2.0 is as follows:
The changelog over 0.2.0 is as follows:
osmo-upf (0.3.0) unstable; urgency=medium
[ Oliver Smith ]
* upf_gtp: automatically delete old gtp devices
[ Pau Espin Pedrol ]
* Improve logging reading packets from gtp device
* Remove unused file up_session_to_gtp.c
* Simplify up_session_choose_f_teid() with early returns
* Introduce hashtable to lookup session by F-TEID
* Introduce hashtable to lookup chain_id
* Introduce hashtable to look up gtp_tundev by local TEID