oTree Snippets
Published on August 25, 2022 by Casey Moser
Here are recipes for common tasks on oTree
- appcopy1
- appcopy2
- are_you_sure 'Are you sure?' popup based on the user's input
- audio_alert Audio alert (speak some text to get the participant's attention, after a wait page)
- back_button Back button for multiple instructions pages
- balance_treatments_for_dropouts
- bmi_calculator Basic single-player game (BMI calculator)
- chat_from_scratch Of course oTree has a readymade chat widget described here: https://otree.readthedocs.io/en/late...
- chat_with_experimenter Chat with experimenter, using Papercups
- complex_form_layout
- comprehension_test Comprehension test. If the user fails too many times, they exit.
- comprehension_test_simple Simple version of comprehension test
- configurable_players_per_group Configurable players per group. See here: https://otree.readthedocs.io/en/latest/treatments.html#...
- constant_sum
- count_button_clicks Count button clicks
- css Using CSS to style timer and chat box.
- custom_export_groups custom_export: 1 row for each group
- detect_mobile Detect and block mobile browsers
- dropout_detection Dropout detection (if user does not submit page in time)
- dropout_end_game Dropout detection for multiplayer game (end the game)
- experimenter_input Experimenter input during the experiment, e.g. entering the result of a random draw. If you want...
- factorial_treatments Randomize multiple factors in a balanced way
- gbat_fallback_smaller_group_part0
- gbat_fallback_smaller_group_part1 group_by_arrival_time: fall back to a smaller group if not enough people show up
- gbat_fallback_solo_task_part0
- gbat_fallback_solo_task_part1 group_by_arrival_time timeout (continue with solo task)
- gbat_fallback_solo_task_part2
- gbat_keep_same_groups_part0
- gbat_keep_same_groups_part1
- gbat_keep_same_groups_part2 Preserve same groups as a previous app that used group_by_arrival time.
- gbat_new_partners group by arrival time, but in each round assign to a new partner.
- gbat_treatments Conventionally, group-level treatments are assigned in creating_session: for g in subsession.get...
- gbat_treatments_complex Similar to the basic gbat_treatments app, except: - Treatments are balanced rather than indepen...
- getattr_setattr Using getattr() and setattr() to access numbered fields, e.g. player.num1, player.num2, ..., pla...
- groups_csv Reads groups from a CSV file. Inside this app, you will find a groups6.csv, which defines the gro...
- history_table History table
- image_choices Images in radio button choices
- input_calculation
- live_volunteer Live volunteer's dilemma (first player to click moves everyone forward).
- longitudinal Longitudinal study (2-part study taking place across days/weeks) Another way to do longitudinal ...
- min_time_on_page Minimum time on a page
- multi_language How to translate an app to multiple languages (e.g. English and German). There are 2 ways to def...
- multi_page_timeout Timeout spanning multiple pages
- multi_select Question that lets you select multiple options (multi-select, multiple choice / multiple answer)
- multi_select_complex Question that lets you select multiple options (multi-select, multiple choice / multiple answer) ...
- other_player_previous_rounds Showing other players' decisions from previous rounds
- pass_data_between_apps_part1
- pass_data_between_apps_part2
- pay_random_app1
- pay_random_app2 """ class C(BaseConstants): NAME_IN_URL = 'pay_random_app2' PLAYERS_PER_GROUP = None ...
- pay_random_app3 App where we choose the app to be paid
- pay_random_round Select a random round for payment
- persist_raw Sliders and checkboxes that don't get wiped out on form reload. Also works for text/number inputs...
- placeholder
- practice_rounds Practice rounds
- progress_bar All you need is a participant field called 'progress' then keep adding 1 to it.
- questions_from_csv_complex Read quiz questions from a CSV (complex version). See also the 'simple' version. It would be much...
- questions_from_csv_simple Read quiz questions from a CSV (simple version). See also the 'complex' version of this app.
- question_with_other_option Menu with an 'other' option that lets you type in a valueInput manually
- quiz_with_explanation Quiz with explanation. Re-display the previous page's form as read-only, with answers/explanation.
- radio Radio buttons in various layouts, looping over radio choices
- radio_switching_point Table where each row has a left/right choice, like the strategy method. This app enforces a singl...
- random_num_rounds
- random_num_rounds_multiplayer Random number of rounds for multiplayer (random stopping rule)
- random_num_rounds_multiplayer_end
- random_question_order
- random_task_order For each participant, randomize the order of tasks A, B, and C. Task B has 2 pages, which are alw...
- rank_players Rank players
- rank_topN Ranking your top N choices from a list of options.
- rank_widget "Widget to rank/reorder items". See http://sortablejs.github.io/Sortable/ for more examples.
- redirect_to_other_website
- sequential Sequential game (asymmetric)
- sequential_symmetric Sequential / cascade game (symmetric). Also see "intergenerational" featured app.
- show_other_players_payoffs
- slider_graphic An image that changes when you move a slider. If your image is a some kind of chart, it's better ...
- slider_live_label Slider with live updating label
- supergames Supergames consisting of multiple rounds each
- timer_custom Timer: replacing the default timer with your own
- treatments_from_spreadsheet Reading treatment parameters from a CSV spreadsheet
- wait_for_specific_people Wait only for specific people
- wait_page_timeout Timeout on a WaitPage (exit the experiment)