Open Collective
Open Collective
[Important] Closing out Papertree
Published on June 8, 2023 by Rudy Fraser

Hello folks,

I hope you're all well and staying indoors away from the hazardous smoke out there.

I'm writing to let you know that Papertree as a project will be coming to an end, effective immediately. If you were set up as a recurring contributor, you will no longer be charged and Papertree will no longer be accepting funds or fulfilling reimbursement requests.

While in the process of migrating to a new banking provider, due to the current one going out of business, the current provider stopped allowing funds to be accepted. This happened sooner than originally expected and unfortunately makes Papertree no longer usable as a way to pool and share funds.

All remaining funds, including Papertree's crypto balance, will be donated to Pact DAO, a non-profit organization that supports mutual aid organizers in NYC.
If you'd like to continue being a part of mutual aid efforts in Brooklyn or if you ever need support, I highly recommend connecting with, volunteering for, and supporting We The People NYC which is a mutual aid group in Bed Stuy who I regularly organize with.

If you have any questions, you can always reach me at [email protected].

Otherwise, thanks for be a part of Papertree's journey. ✌🏾