Open Collective
Open Collective

Hire a developer: Niklas

Help us hire a developer as a community to work on Parcel

I'm Niklas Mischkulnig and I'm currently studying Computer Science in Vienna. I want to:

  • work on incoming issues/bug requests (fix underlying bugs/help with configuration issues)
  • make Parcel produce smaller Javascript bundles by making tree shaking work faster and resolve remaining bugs
  • find/implement new aspects that make the "no-config" approach more complete and seamless


Goal $1,500 USD / mo.


1 individual and 2 organizations have contributed to this goal

Join us in contributing to this tier!


Hire a developer: Niklas

$650 USD

Thingylabs GmbH

Hire a developer: Niklas

$200 USD

Let's find that awesome person together! ✨

Dean Sofer

Hire a developer: Niklas

$200 USD

$1,500 USD / mo. goal

