Open Collective
Open Collective
Passkit-generator v3.0.1 released!
Published on October 31, 2021 by Alexander Patrick Cerutti

Today I've proceeded in releasing the latest version of passkit-generator: v3.0.1 (v3.0 was mistakenly published earlier this week, with the will to publish a beta).

This version includes a major refactor of the whole library, which now allows new ways to compose passes, not just via FileSystem models or buffers. In fact, it allows adding files one per time via new methods, and settings options, like certificates, later in runtime.

This version also includes the support to the superstar of Apple Wallet since iOS 15: .PKPASSES! In fact, now passkit-generator supports the generation of .pkpass archives and their joining.

Now documentation and certificates generation procedures have been updated and moved to the wiki.

You can refer to the migration guide at this address.

Thanks to donations, I was able to afford to renew my Apple Developer Account. This allowed me to perform more tests in passes generations.

I hope everyone will enjoy this new version! Let me know on Github Discussions what you think about it. Thank you!