Open Collective
Open Collective
Plurality: The Latest
Published on February 15, 2024 by Jason Entenmann

We will consistently sharing updates with this community on projects we've been working on, major milestones, events, and media attention.

  • The Plurality Book Project: ⿻數位 Plurality, written by Glen Weyl, Taiwan’s Digital Minister Audrey Tang, and dozens of global collaborators on a platform for open-source governance that we have developed with GitHub and the Gov4Git Foundation, will digitally launch in March and in print in June, as recently covered by The Economist

  • Gov4Git Public Launch: In collaboration with GitHub, the Gov4git Foundation, and the open-source community, a free and public protocol, Gov4Git, has been launched which gives collaborative, open source communities the ability manage themselves transparently with higher velocity, focus, and more fair attribution. This protocol and interface seamlessly integrates with GitHub, optimizing the user experience and bringing the power of self-governance. 

  • Plurality Film: Oscar award winning director Cynthia Wade and producer Teri Whitcraft in collaboration with Glen as executive producer filmed a documentary about Audrey Tang’s life. The trailer for the documentary will be available by mid-March in advance of film festival submissions and plans for a biopic this year.