Open Collective
Open Collective
Our first purchase - a wheelbarrow!
Published on October 13, 2022 by Vaipunu Ian Tairea

With the Project Sunrise funding pool steadily increasing we thought it would be good to make our first purchase to give our beautiful supporters a bit of an update.

We are going to be very thrifty with the funding pool, essentials and strategic expenses only. We wont be wasting a cent of your precious koha (gift).

So with that in mind we acquired a super essential piece of equipment and thats the trusty wheelbarrow! This bad boy will come in super handy. So thank you guys for helping us fund it.

Next purchases on the horizon are potentially Fencing (eg. posts, wire fence, etc.) to keep the pigs and goats out and our closest big funding goal is an Outdoor Kitchen/Dining Deck.

So stick with us friends, slowly but surely 💪❤️
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