Support our new podcast, hear guests sharing their stories and insights. All have punched out of their soul-crushing jobsto start worker co-ops
Transparent and open finances.
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John Atherton
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Financial Contributions
This tier represents a simple but powerful gesture of support. By pledging £1, you're symbolically joining the Punchcard community and showing your... Read more
You are Coop Curious and a desire to learn more about cooperatives. Your £5 contribution helps us create episodes that showcase the amazing work be... Read more
As a Cooperator, you’re passionate about spreading the word on cooperatives and inspiring others to learn and get involved. Your £10 contribution s... Read more
By contributing £25, you play a key role in shifting the cultural conversation towards cooperatives. This tier is essential for keeping our podcast... Read more
You are a Co-op Evangelist. Your £50 contribution is a powerful endorsement of the cooperative model as essential for societal transformation. This... Read more
PUNCHCARD is all of us
Our contributors 2
Thank you for supporting PUNCHCARD.