Invoice #214766 to Queer District Collective
September First Thursday Artist Fee
Invoice #214766
Submitted by Polly Rayner-Woodrow•Approved by Rhys Morgan
Aug 6, 2024
Invoice items
Artist fee for September 2024's first Thursday exhibition
£200.00 GBP
Total amount £200.00 GBP
Additional Information
payout method
Bank account
********By Rhys Morgan
on Expense approved
By Tanya
on Expense scheduled for payment
By Tanya
on Expense processing
By Tanya
on Expense paid
Amount Paid for Expense: £200.00
Payment Processor Fee: £0.00
Net Amount for Queer District Collective: £200.00
Collective balance
Expense policies
Expense policies
Expenses Policy
Queer District Collective
℅: Farley’s Food Co-op, 41 Bretonside, Plymouth, PL4 0BB
Any expenses must go towards meeting at least one of the following aims:
- To create a safe-space for LGBTQ+ and queer identifying people in Plymouth City Centre in the form of the opportunity area.
- To encourage economic activity within the Opportunity Area in partnership with local businesses, residents, QDC Members, and stakeholders.
- To develop a distinct cultural destination in Plymouth City Centre by enhancing the space in the Opportunity Area with capital projects.
- To advocate for Plymouth’s LGBTQ+ and queer identifying community to public sector organisations and local decision makers.
- To promote LGBTQ+ and queer visibility in Plymouth through a programme of cultural activities.
As stated in QDC’s Terms of Reference:
- All grants and funding will be applied for by the committee of QDC and held in the Open Collective for the sole use of QDC
- Working groups and individuals who require funds for activities in the name of the QDC will notify the QDC Committee, advising them of any planned expenditure before it is incurred and seeking agreement from the Committee for funds to be released.
- Members and volunteers from any working groups may claim back any previously agreed personal expenditure incurred during any QDC related work. Please ensure that any personal expenses are agreed upon in advance with the Committee.
- A summary of finances will be reported on to members at the QDC Annual General Meeting.
It is Best Practice to seek written agreement from the chair regarding expenses before planned expenditure is incurred - please email this request to [email protected]
All expenses must be submitted with a valid invoice or receipt which clearly shows the total amount, date, legal address, and what the payment is for. Please include Queer District Collective on invoices.
Expenses will only be paid if there is enough income to cover the expenses within the QDC.
Expenses cannot be approved by the same person who requested them, or someone who may personally gain from this transaction, e.g. couples. Expenses will be approved/rejected on a weekly basis.
How paying expenses works:
- An individual/volunteer/member-owner submits an expense claim on QDC’s page with the appropriate information outlined in this Expense policy. The content put in the description category will be listed publicly on the page so please do not include information you wish to remain confidential in that text box
- QDC’s directors receive a notification and can review, then approve or reject the expense claim
- If rejected, the director will add a note about it so the individual can edit or change their claim
- If approved, the SCN receives a notification to pay out the expense. These are processed every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday (cutoff at 1pm on the day)
- All of the steps are visible on the platform so the individual and QDC can keep track of the process
How do I get paid from a Collective?
Submit an expense and provide your payment information.
How are expenses approved?
Collective admins are notified when an expense is submitted, and they can approve or reject it.
Is my private data made public?
No. Only the expense amount and description are public. Attachments, payment info, emails and addresses are only visible to you and the admins.
When will I get paid?
Payments are processed by the Collective's Fiscal Host, the organization that hold funds on their behalf. Many Fiscal Hosts pay expenses weekly, but each one is different.
Why do you need my legal name?
The display name is public and the legal name is private, appearing on receipts, invoices, and other official documentation used for tax and accounting purposes.
Collective balance
£319.05 GBPFiscal Host:
The Social Change Nest