UPDATE #1 🚉 All-aboard the night train! — ATERRA
Published on July 14, 2022 by Ranna
Lisboa é uma das duas únicas capitais europeias sem ligação ferroviária a qualquer outra capital. A última vez que o país esteve nesta situação foi na II Guerra Mundial.
Esta ação foi coordenada com os coletivos ativistas Ecologistas en Acción em Madrid, Espanha e Oui au train de nuit em Hendaye, na França, que se juntaram vestidos dos seus pijamas, por comboios noturnos que liguem os seus países de uma forma confortável, justa e livre de combustíveis fósseis.
//EN On July 2, twenty people gathered in Lisbon, danced and made a human train in front of the historic Santa Apolónia station. ATERRA collective called for the immediate return of the night trains Lusitânia (Lisbon – Madrid) and Sud Express (Lisbon – Hendaye).
They were suspended at the beginning of the pandemic, isolating Portugal from the European rail network – a situation that has not been seen since the two World Wars. The action received support from key Portuguese environmental organizations.
This action was coordinated between the activist collectives of Ecologistas en Acción in Madrid, Spain, and Oui au train de nuit in Hendaye, France, that gathered and danced in their pyjamas to demand the return of an affordable, comfortable and fair alternative to travel between their countries, one that is free from fossil fuels.