Open Collective
Open Collective
New features: WireGuard support and more!
Published on May 1, 2021 by billz

WireGuard is here

The RaspAP team has been working on several fronts to extend the functionality and usefulness of the project. One of the most popular requested features is support for WireGuard®. This extremely simple yet fast and modern VPN was recently merged into the mainline Linux kernel, and is now included in RPi OS distributions. WireGuard is considerably more performant than OpenVPN and has much lower overhead, making it ideal for embedded and IoT applications.

All sponsors have exclusive early access to WireGuard integration for RaspAP. We believe our implementation is among the fastest and most intuitive for any device—not just the Raspberry Pi. How fast is it? Check out this video demonstration creating a WireGuard VPN tunnel in 20 seconds (or less) with RaspAP. 

AP transmit power

A recent discussion around creating an ideal "wifi bubble" with multiple access points led to the implementation of this feature. This gives you control over the txpower setting, allowing you to set an arbitrary power level expressed in decibel milliwatts (dBm). In addition to modulating transmit levels in a multiple AP topology, this is equally useful in IoT or similar applications where power consumption is an issue. 

RaspAP in the news

In case you missed it, RaspAP was featured in this Raspberry Pi Foundation blog post about a low-cost Pi Zero W based wireless endoscope camera.

Contemporary wired endoscopes cost around $28,000. This prototype was built by urologists at the University of Cape Town for just $230, with the aim of making it accessible to medical centers that could not otherwise afford a standard unit. You can read their research paper for an in-depth look at the whole process. We couldn't be happier to see RaspAP used for wireless connectivity in this project. 

New website

After many years of hosting our GitHub readme with a Jekyll template, RaspAP (finally) has a proper website. Drop by and check it out!

Access to Insiders

You recognized the early potential of RaspAP and we want to thank you for it. As a result, we're giving all previous backers unlimited access to Insiders. This includes one-time donors and members who've made monthly contributions in the past. To access these exclusive features, simply drop a short email to [email protected] with your GitHub account name and we'll invite you to the super-secret private repository. Don't have a GitHub account? No problem, it's free and only takes a moment to create one.

Check out our Insiders page for details on how to upgrade your existing RaspAP installation to the Insiders edition. Any other questions, don't hesitate to mail us at [email protected].