Open Collective
Open Collective
Version 2.5 released 🎉
Published on July 3, 2020 by billz

This release includes several big enhancements, including switching of the AP interface. Previously, this was only partly supported by manually editing the config. The project now enables configuration of two different wireless interfaces so you can, for example, host an AP on wlan1 while using wlan0 as the client.

Internet connection details are prominently displayed on the Summary tab of the Networking UI. Check out this screenshot posted to /r/RaspAP.

By popular request, an --upgrade option has been added to the Quick Installer. This enables upgrading an existing installation to the latest version without changing your configuration.

Finally, this release wouldn't be complete without some interface goodness. Not excited about the default Debian/Raspbian red theme? Customize your theme by using the new mobile-friendly color picker. Choose a custom color from the palette or by entering an arbitrary value. Refresh to see the result.

Thanks as always to the invaluable contributions our Open Collective financial backers, and of our awesome developer community.

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