Open Collective
Open Collective

React Native Firebase has been archived.

React Native Firebase has been archived and is no longer active.


React Native Firebase is all of us

Our contributors 54

Thank you for supporting React Native Firebase.


Monthly Sponsor

£500 GBP

Mamoru Amano

Monthly Backer

£185 GBP

Ilja Daderko

£158 GBP

Amazing project that is really helping me out t...

Self Lender

£150 GBP

IQ Fantasy Sp...

Monthly Backer

£144 GBP

Keep up the great work!

SolidFit Soft...

Monthly Sponsor

£142 GBP

As an avid Firebase developer, tools such as th...

Pierre Reimertz

Monthly Backer

£130 GBP

Rakan Nimer

£130 GBP

Monthly Backer

£110 GBP

Keep up with the good work!!!


Monthly Backer

£115 GBP


Transparent and open finances.

-£1,207.16 GBP
Contribution #42547
Contribution #13581
Today’s balance

-£299.14 GBP

Total raised

£2,737.94 GBP

Total disbursed

£3,037.08 GBP

Estimated annual budget

--.-- GBP


Let’s get the ball rolling!

News from React Native Firebase

Updates on our activities and progress.

Firebase Functions support landing this week

Just under a month ago Firebase announced Cloud Functions support for Mobile SDK's.Today we're happy to announce th...
Read more
Published on May 6, 2018 by Mike Diarmid


What is React Native Firebase?

React Native Firebase is a well tested, feature rich Firebase implementation for React Native, supporting both iOS & Android platforms for 15+ Firebase modules.


Our vision is to provide the complete suite of Firebase functionality to React Native developers.

We want to build an open, collaborative, and diverse community where anyone can join in discussions, learn from one another, and contribute to the project.

Why React Native and Firebase?

We feel that these two technology stacks complement each other perfectly with React Native the current leader for cross platform Mobile App front-end development, and Firebase the leading back-end App development stack.

Supported Modules

Current we support the following Firebase modules:

  • Admob
  • Auth
  • Cloud Firestore
  • Cloud Messaging
  • Includes separate feature-rich Notifications api
  • Cloud Storage
  • Crashlytics (beta)
  • Crash Reporting
  • Dynamic Links
  • Functions
  • Instance ID (iid)
  • Invites
  • Google Analytics for Firebase
  • Performance Monitoring
  • Realtime Database
  • Remote Config

Financial Goals

To help better track our financial goes for this collective we've added some targets as seen in the header of the collective. Each target indicates a yearly budget goal that would allow at least one person to work those number of dedicated days a week on this library.

Why we need your support?

We started this project almost 2 years ago and have continued to maintain the high levels of support and quality of work you've come to expect from us this entire time. However, it's generally not common knowledge that this library has been built and supported entirely in our personal time and we're currently not backed by a company.

Whilst we enjoy working on open source software and helping out the community there is however a limit to our personal time that we can spend on this library, it's co-dependencies and the large community with it. Our goal is to eventually be able to open up more hours, working hours (we have day jobs still) to be spent solely on this library - entirely funded by this collective.

By contributing to React Native Firebase, even just £2 p/m, you can help us reach this goal and help keep React Native Firebase awesome. All funds are managed transparently here through OpenCollective.

Thank you so much for your support. We sincerely appreciate every contribution. You help keep us going!

Our team